Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

As soon as they entered the dining room Sirius and James physically pounced on the first person to enter the room. Which, much to their growing horror, was not Remus. Remus certainly did not have long black hair, nor did he have breasts which Sirius had accidentally just groped. No, the werewolf in question was just staring wide eyed at the three of them on the floor.

At least the hardwood floor had cushioning charms on them. No doubt from years of dealing with Marauder madness, Euphemia and Monty had made the manor impervious to their antics for the most part. Or at least, made it so they wouldn't accidently injure themselves. Jasmine just kept her gaze locked on the ceiling and wished that this moment was over.

Sirius still hadn't moved his blasted hand. "Sirius, you better move your hand before I permanently sever it from your body," she hissed, it nearly coming out in paeseltongue, if she didn't know any better.

The Black heir gave her a feeble grin before removing his hand from her person. James was attempting to disentangle himself from the heap of limbs they had become, but was slow going, especially since his glasses flew somewhere across the room. Jasmine was not amused, and none too gently shoved them off her.

"Prats," she muttered she straightened her clothing, her face feeling rather heated, embarrassed about the whole situation.

"What are you two doing?" Euphemia's voice called from the second entry way into the dining room. Sirius quickly stood up bolt straight.

"Nothing, Mrs. Potter."

Not like that didn't sound suspicious.

"I dropped my glasses, mum," James answered back, patting around the area of his fall in a vain attempt to find his spectacles. Jasmine remembered when her eyesight had been that bad, nine lives full of it, but in her time, there were ways to get that corrected. So, for a little less than half of seven of those lives she had fixed her eyesight. She wasn't entirely sure of when it had become common practice in wizarding optometry.

Jasmine sighed, spotting them to the left of her, with her enhanced rune vision, near her feet and picked them up. She turned the over in her hand, the gold wire looked fine and the lenses, luckily, weren't scratched. That was rather good fortune for him.

"James, stop fumbling around, I found them," Jasmine replied, easily making her way over to her cousin and sliding them onto his face.

James' face puckered for a moment as his eyes readjusted to the glasses. It was jarring to have everything be blurry one moment and then clear the next. "Thanks," he muttered as he got himself off the floor.

"Are they broken again, James?" Euphemia asked, rather exasperatedly. Jasmine wondered how often they needed to be repaired.

He shook his head.

"Very well, since the house still seems to be standing we'll all be having dinner on time today as well as a lovely dessert, prepared by our house-elf Penny."

Dinner was a loud affair, it had been ever since Sirius had joined the family and now, with Remus, the volume seemed to have doubled from the boys' side of the table. Jasmine ate quietly, just watching the three Marauders laughing and teasing each other. Sirius even launched a bit of mashed potatoes at James, which earned the dog Animagus a harsh glare from Euphemia. Monty gave them a subtle thumbs up.

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