Chapter 100

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Chapter 100

Jasmine watched as Gideon and Fabian nearly tumbled out of the floo with children laden in their arms. The Prewitt twins were nearly identical. Both had shocking heads of red hair, bright hazel eyes, and matching mischievous grins. Gideon was just a hair's breadth taller than his twin. Jasmine had met them a few times for work. They were Ministry sanctioned hit wizards and she had been contracted to assist them in taking down wards on a few of their cases. The twins were known for their ruthless natures, cunning instincts, and aggressive wand work. She could probably out duel them, but only just. They were two of the stronger Order members. It had taken nearly six Death Eaters with Voldemort present to take them down in Harriet's timeline.

Though, neither of them really appeared their best as the fire from the floo faded. The two men looked exhausted. Their eyes were red rimmed and their hair in disarray, but they were holding it together for the boys they were bringing over. Fred and George seemed to be sound asleep against Fabian's chest, while Charlie was drowsily clinging to Gideon's left pant leg. He had a stuffed dragon tucked under his arm.

Gideon scooped Charlie up, who blinked blearily at the sudden change of movement, and passed the child to Jasmine. He had to be about eight, but he was still young enough to carry, not to mention that he was a bit small for his age.

Fabian did the same with the twins, except he gave them to Sirius. The marauder carefully held the two toddlers, but seemed completely out of his element as he tried to move around. He shot Jasmine a slightly terrified look as Fred cuddled into his robes.

Jasmine grinned and Sirius pouted, but didn't jostle the kids.

Fabian cleared his throat to catch their attention. "Sirius, this really means a lot. We have a lot of preparation for the funeral...not to mention the investigation into the attack that needs to occur. Merlin, this is a mess...wait are you living here, Sirius?" Fabian babbled. His hands were shaking as he ran it through his hair.

Jasmine turned to glare at her husband. Had he not explained everything to the twins? She took the glamour off her left hand with a flick of her wrist and exposed her wedding ring. "We're married. So, yes, he lives here with me."

Both of them just stared at the ring until Sirius cleared her throat and the twins looked a bit abashed. "Sorry for staring. Should we be addressing you as Lady Black?"

Her lips curled in distaste. "No. I kept my titles when I married Sirius. I'm Lady Peverell."

They quickly nodded.

"Right, so back to the matter at hand..."

Jasmine cast a silencing charm around Charlie and rubbed circles on his back as he started to doze. "Has anyone told Bill, yet? Or any of the children?"

Gideon worried his bottom lip between his teeth. "I was hoping that you could do it, Peverell. Bill has really taking a liking to you...and we thought it would be better to give the kids one last good night's sleep."

Jasmine's eyes narrowed dangerously as she rubbed Charlie's back. His head was resting heavy against her shoulder and his eyes kept fluttering. The kid was nearly asleep. It was nearly one in the morning, all three of them should be in bed by now. "You're their uncles. Is there a reason that you feel I would be more appropriate to tell them they've lost their parents? Have you heard anything about Arthur?"

Gideon shook his head, his red hair was flopping into his face with every shake. "Nothing yet. We have the healers set to contact you and Sirius for updates. We're going to look into the attack, which means we won't be available for fire calls."

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