Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

A quick shower and a change of clothing made Jasmine feel more human and significantly less like a murder machine. She made her way back to the sitting room she and Mikhail had be led to before their showers. Jasmine was barefoot, her steps quiet on the rug covered floor. The house was pleasantly warm for the time of year, which meant the heating charms were in working order for the season. The house was near silent, if not for the whispering portraits and occasional raised voice from the floor below, Jasmine would have thought that the house was empty.

Mikhail was curled up on a plush armchair, a green fleece blanket was thrown over his legs, a long sweater covered his torso. He was staring into the fire next to him as he mechanically sipped a cup of black tea. There was a second cup next to a steaming pot on the end table.

"How are you holding up?" Jasmine asked in Russian as she made her way over the table, tea sounded like the perfect end to the already long day.

Mikhail blinked, turning his gaze away from the flames. He eyes were bloodshot a red rimmed. He swiped at his face with a sleeve covered hand for a moment before answering.

"Alright, it feels like calming down after a long match. I'm going to be sore in the morning and people are going to ask questions, but it could have been much worse. I suppose those Death Eaters will think twice before coming after the Black brothers after this if we're with them," he said with a wobbling grin as she poured herself a cup.

Jasmine didn't share his enthusiasm, no matter how fake it truly was. She felt that it was only going to encourage Tom to send more trained Death Eaters after them in the future. Which was no doubt going to lead to more insane plots to try and kidnap the brothers. Orion was going to have to train them in defense or have a permanent guard around them when they went outside...or both. Both would probably be the safest option.

Mikhail and Jasmine won't always be there to protect them.

"Is Regulus alright?"

Mikhail nodded, taking a sip of his tea. His hand shaking ever so slightly as the day catches up with him. "He came in briefly a few minutes ago. He's a bit shaken and doesn't remember the fight at all, which I feel is for the better. He doesn't need to remember the aftermath. Blood and death isn't something he needs to experience at his age."

Jasmine wholeheartedly agreed with that. "I'm glad he wasn't coherent enough for it to stick. Sirius is going to need more time with his mind healer after this. He had a hard enough time with the dementors. Speaking of, where are the two brothers?"

"Sirius was called to speak with his father and our parents. Regulus was taken back to his room to rest. Apparently, we aren't important enough to be a part of conversations about ourselves." Which always seemed to be the case when it came to their shared past in the ring. No one wanted them to hear discussions about their past. They were too worried about triggering a violent flashback then actually get their opinions on a matter they were well versed in.

"Hewo? Who are you?" a quiet voice whispered from the entrance of the room. The two turned to see a head of bright pink hair, purple eyes, and a large smile staring back at them.

There was no one else it could be, but Tonks, and she was adorable.

The girl was only two and a half and she had managed to toddle her way into the sitting room. This had to mean that Andromeda was here, which meant there were going to be legal troubles. Jasmine wouldn't be surprised if the Death Eater families are demanding that Mikhail and Jasmine be held responsible for their deaths. Even though they killed each other. If the aurors on the case were pureblood sympathizers they would try to pin the details Mikhail and Jasmine. They were both foreign born, easy enough to try and use them for a cover up...the aurors probably weren't even Death Eaters, just regular run of the mill assholes.

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