Chapter 22

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Happy Friday!

Chapter 22

It took a few weeks for Jasmine to get the boys to stop hovering around her. It was sweet, but highly unnecessary. She could take care of herself. Even if she collapsed again, it wasn't going to kill her. Death needed her alive after all.

As it turned out, she had only fainted in front of Remus, no seizures had occurred. So, it seemed the stronger her magic was, the less of a reaction she'd have to being called by Death. Or, Theo being there changed the severity of her collapse. Her old partner in crime hadn't changed, he was still the same Slytherin that she had remembered. She wanted to know what he was going to try to negotiate with Death. If the Deity had made a magically binding promise to keep her, Blaise and Theo together through all her reincarnations...well, things could get interesting.

Either way, that was neither here nor there, and the Marauders weren't letting her out of their sight. Remus was the worst out of all of them, he was being a mother hen. He'd watch to make sure that she ate, that her homework wasn't giving her trouble, even going so far as to walk her to class every day. James and Sirius did the same thing, but not as often. She had never been so happy to be an overachiever, since that meant that she had a few hours a week away from them while in ancient runes, arithmancy and alchemy.

During their training with Flitwick for dueling they were on top of her, watching to make sure that she didn't lose her balance or stumble as they practiced against each other. Jasmine wasn't a fan of people crowding her and that included her friends. Even Lily, Marlene and Alice were treating her a differently. They tended to keep their cattier conversations out of earshot, as if upsetting her would cause Jasmine to faint right on the spot. She wouldn't be surprised if the Marauders told them to watch her.

"We thought that you had died, the way that Remus came dashing into the common room to get Potter and Black. I'd never seen Lupin that scared before. I thought he was going to murder Sirius for upsetting you. We just want to be careful not to have that happen again," Marlene admitted, playing with the end of her ponytail. Lily seemed to keep her at a slight distance, but kept an eye on her. Her red headed roommate seemed to be going through a rough patch of some kind as well, which worried Jasmine. The girl had received a letter from home the morning Jasmine had collapsed and had been quiet ever since.

The only person treating her like nothing had happened was Severus and Jasmine had never looked forward to potions more than she had in the past couple of weeks. The Slytherin hadn't had time to speak with her outside of class since the accident, but he hadn't been delicate with her during dueling practice and for that she was grateful.

"I heard that you almost died," Severus said halfway through this week's potion. It was a complex healing solution that they would be working on through the end of November. The two of them were working in sync, but there was time for talking between steps. So, while they were waiting sixteen and a half minutes for the potion to stew before adding in beetle juice, Severus decided to chat.

"It wasn't that bad. I was out of the hospital wing in less than a day. I hardly call that a near death trip," she replied with a good-natured nudge. Severus staggered slightly and glared at her, but it was halfhearted.

"No, it doesn't seem like it phased you at all," he drawled, brushing a strand of hair out of his face. Jasmine didn't understand why he just didn't tie it up. It wasn't like it was uncommon for purebloods to have their hair bound in some fashion.

"You almost sound disappointed," she teased, twirling her want between her fingers, ever few minutes casting a quick tempus to make sure they weren't getting side tracked. It was nice to have someone who was willing to at least joke about her condition. Everyone else took it so seriously. Though, she supposed that, if she didn't know why she kept having these fainting spells and seizures, she'd been as solemn as the Marauders.

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