Sixty Nine

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-isn't it lovely all alone?-

-heart made of glass my mind of stone-

Vena's walk to the Great Hall was eerily familiar the night of Dumbledore's death. The air was much too warm for what was happening around her. She had this pit her stomach, the same pit that she had felt last term.

It was like her body knew that something was going to happen. That her body knew someone was going to die. The pit grew bigger, as did Vena's anxiety.

She walked past blown staircases, and dead bodies. There were piles of rubble where Vena used to have Charms.

She remembered that was where she and Stella had met. Where they became friends and Vena had found out that Stella fancied her brother.

There was a fog in the air from the dust and soot from all of the spell casted. Her vision was blurry from all of the kickback of the rubble, and Vena felt something stuck in her throat. The paintings that remind on the wall were empty, most likely hiding in a painting that was away from the danger.

Her home, in ruins. It reminded Vena so much of last year. Except it was worse. Much, much, worse.

The pit in her stomach grew.

She entered the Great Hall, where the rows of dead bodies lay. Students that she had spent seven years with. She may not remember their names or faces, but there could've been a time where she passed them in the hallway, or checked out a book a week after they returned it.

She might've bumped into them on the Hogwarts Express, or locked eyes with them when she was distracted at a Quidditch match. She spent seven years with these people. And she wouldn't be able to spend any more.

The pit in her stomach grew.

To the left was where Madam Promfrey and Draco were, healing students and professors. The right was where other students rested, trying to gain back their energy to rejoin the fight. Theo and Blaise weren't there.

The wave of anxiety rushed over her body even more, and Vena's hands were clammy. How has she not seen them this whole day?

How have they managed to be in the same castle, presumably doing the same thing, and yet they have not run into each other once? Vena hoped that nothing bad has happened.

The pit in her stomach grew.

Vena had a terrible, terrible feeling about this.

She should've went over to help Madam Promfrey. Merlin knows to at her and Draco need the help. But Vena was never going to be a healer. She didn't have the stomach for it, and it was simply too boring for her to do.

She should be helping them, but the rows of bodies in front of Vena called her. She wanted to look at them. She wanted to know who died doing the right thing. She wanted to know who died because to Vena, she had started the war a year ago, when Dumbledore died.

It was unreasonable for her to blame herself. While she had spent the whole year planning Dumbledore's demise, she actually never went through with it. She never killed Dumbledore. Draco never killed Dumbledore.

Snape did, for reasons Vena still did not understand. Why did he make the Unbreakable Vow? Why did he promise that he would kill Dumbledore, a close friend? Why did he know that Vena and Draco were going to fail?

She didn't know that she walked over to the bodies. She had through about doing it, but she got lost in her mind and it seemed that her body had taken over.

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