Fifty Eight

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-nobody said it'd be easy

-they knew it was rough but tough luck-

Vena had gotten used to sitting with Ginny, Neville, and Seamus. It was different than sitting with her brother, Blaise, and Theo, but she welcomed the company.

She assumed it was much more upbeat with the Gryffindors when they weren't in the midst of a war, as the four had taken to quietly discussing tactics during mealtimes.

Now that it was official that Dumbledore's Army was going to stand up to the Carrows, the four had to get creative with spreading the word. They hadn't come up with any ideas that were practical or anonymous enough, so they were struggling pretty hard.

The talk of strategy and secretive meetings were a stark contrast to her conversations with her brother and friends. And while it was fun being on the good side and much more rewarding mentally, it was exhausting.

She missed when conversations with her brother were bantering and light-hearted. She never knew how nice it was sitting with the Slytherins, where meals usually consisted of Theo making fun of Draco until he combusted.

Sitting at the Gryffindor table had been happening for about a month now. Conversations had settled into a routine, and the four would usually discuss during breakfast, when the Carrows were less alert than during the day.

The four would eat, discuss how to spread messages about the DA, and make snide comments about the Carrows and Snape. The news about the DA hadn't exactly spread yet, as there were only small whispers about the group from people that were in the original group.

The four knew that there was strength in numbers, and even if they wanted to fight fire with fire, then they would need a lot more fire.

And at the moment, they only had a flame.

"Why don't we just spray paint messages?" Seamus asked.

"What's spray paint?" asked Neville, Ginny, and Vena at the same time.

"It's paint, but in a can. It's a Muggle thing. Makes writing graffiti much easier than using regular paint. If we found a way to get some, it would be much easier to spread messages about the DA," Seamus explained, laughing at the other three's cluelessness about Muggle things.

Vena took a sip of her apple juice. "We can just ask for the Room of Requirement for spray paint. It should be able to conjure just about everything, including Muggle items. The only thing it can't create is food, sadly."

Neville nodded, as an owl swooped down to Ginny's plate. Ginny looked at it eagerly, excited that her letter from her parents had finally come.

It was strange though, because Vena knew that Ginny had sent a letter two weeks ago, and it should not of taken that long for the letter to return.

"You should teach me how to use the Room of Requirement properly. It would be much easier if there were multiple people who knew how to use it, not just you," Neville said, as Ginny opened and read through her letter.

"Yeah, I can do that the next time we go. Should we plan for tonight?" Vena asked, looking back and forth between Seamus and Neville.

"Works for me," Seamus said, taking a big bite of his sausage. Neville nodded in agreement.

Ginny had not been paying attention, still trying to open her letter. She scanned the words quickly, before showing the letter to the other three. "Look at this! They've been reading through the letters!"

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