Fifty Four

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-You're Somebody Else-

-i finally sat alone pitch black flesh and bone-

-couldn't believe that you were gone-

The next two weeks passed by quickly. The Dark Lord had not yet found Harry, nor knew his whereabouts. And while the Death Eaters got punished for lack of information, it also meant there were no ambushes or attacks planned.

The twins spent more time Occluding and dueling than they ever had before. Aunt Bella thankfully, didn't have time to teach them this year.

But the twins had a feeling that if they were seen or heard doing nothing around the house, Aunt Bella would have no problem rearranging her schedule to teach them again. And Vena wanted to go more than two days without being tortured.

They also went through the Malfoy library to find something that could help with the constant black blood bleeding from Vena's arm.

They had yet to find anything that would help with the pain or stop the bleeding. It was incredibly dark magic, and there were no antidotes.

Vena knew that there is something wrong with her Aunt's dagger. It must've been soaked in some sort of poison, although Vena had no idea what it could be. There were so many poisons and yet none had the type of effects that Vena was getting.

Two weeks before September 1st, the twins received their Hogwarts letters for the last time. The owl that delivered left as quickly as it came, and dropped off the two weighted letters.

Opening the letters, the two began to hear a rattling inside. As if there were an object with the letter.

"Do you hear that Draco?" Vena asked, trying to break the seal.

He didn't answer, but instead opened his envelope. He peered inside, and pulled out a pin. Head Boy.

Vena's eyes widened in shock, and opened her letter with a newfound speed. She too, had received the Head Girl pin.

When Vena thought it through, it honestly did make sense that the two were Head Boy and Girl. She knew through the meetings that Snape was going to be the Headmaster.

That meant that the Dark Lord had power of Hogwarts and the Ministry, arguably the most powerful and influential places in England.

This also meant that Vena and Draco, being official Death Eaters and apart of the Dark Lord's inner circle, they would be used as figureheads. She doesn't know how much of their jobs would be like previous Head Boys and Girls, but she assumed that things wouldn't be the same.

And even though being Head Girl should be an honor, Vena knew that it wasn't supposed to go to her. It belonged to Hermione.

Hogwarts simply wasn't going to be the same. Dumbledore's death did everything that the Dark Lord had wanted.

He wanted Hogwarts to lose it's protection, and wanted the Wizarding World to lose all hope. And he had succeeded.

Everything at Hogwarts would cater to Slytherins. She also knew that the Carrows would be teaching this year; Defense Against the Dark Arts and Muggle Studies.

Vena also knew that the curriculum was going to change drastically, and hopes that she can just make it through the lesson. She had a feeling that their teaching styles isn't going to be considered traditional.

But for right now, Vena could pretend that she deserved the title. She could pretend that she had earned this position, rather than having received it because of nepotism.

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