Sixty Five

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-Safe and Sound-

-just close your eyes you'll be alright-

-come morning light you and I will be safe-

It was now Easter break, which meant that the twins could go home. Vena was excited that her mother hadn't been cancelled last minute. She missed her mother dearly.

However, their reunion with their mother was cut short, and the twins had barely any time to catch up with her. The moment the twins stepped off of the train, they were apostates back to the Manor. They spent most of break in their rooms, and had barely seen their father.

But now they were home, which meant that the twins could visit Luna who was held hostage along with Ollivander.

For the past week, Daco and Vena would sneak meals to Luna and Ollivander, who as predicted, were kept in the dungeons. They would go three times a day, and in the meantime, they listened in on Death Eater meetings and strategized how to sneak the hostages out of the property.

They had absolutely no idea how they would be able to sneak them out, as there are so many wards on the west wing of the Manor that any plan would certainly go wrong. It was almost impossible to help them escape.

The wards would alert the house members if hostages were to sneak out of the west wing, and the hostages would have to leave the west wing in order to apparate out. That was essentially impossible, so the hostages were trapped.

The two were currently in Draco's bedroom, when their father bustled in. "Draco, Vena, come with me. We need you to do something for us."

She hadn't seen her father look this excited in a long time. There was a glimmer of the old him, which Vena had missed dearly.

He was shaking with hope, and Vena had no idea why. The twins exchanged confused looks, before following their father obediently to the drawing room in the west wing.

It took everything in Vena to not gasp when she first saw him. Sure, he had a bit of scruff and his face was all weird and puffy, but Vena could still recognize him.

She would recognize him anywhere.

She almost smiled but managed to stop herself at the last second. She looked to the left and saw Ron and Hermione, being held by Snatchers. It didn't register to Vena until a few seconds later that there was a reason that he was here. They were to be identified to the Dark Lord.

"Well?" Aunt Bella asked excitedly, "Is it Potter?"

"I can't be sure," Draco said meekly, speaking for the both of them.

Vena said nothing; she still couldn't believe that he was here. She was grateful that Draco spoke, or else she would not be able to hide the shakiness in her voice.

"Draco," her father said, grasping her brother by the neck. "Look closely, son. You too, Vena. If we are the ones to hand over Potter to the Dark Lord, everything will be forgiven. Everything will be as it was, understand?"

Everything will be as it was. Her father would be the man he used to be. Draco wouldn't be the shell of a man he used to be. Her mother wouldn't be as anxious, or alone, and everything would be normal.

But it wouldn't be normal.

Vena had a mark on her arm that bled every time the Dark Lord called for his followers, and she was a member of the DA. She was in love with Harry and Vena knew that her father's words were simply just words. They held no promise or meaning.

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