Sixty Seven

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-take my mind and take my pain-

-like an empty bottle takes the rain-

The four houses joined up in the Great Hall, all separated in perfect, neat columns. There were ten people in each row, with a specified amount of space between each person in an organized fashion.

The only two people touching were Harry and Vena whose hands were intertwined. It felt good knowing that she was rebelling in a way, even if it was something so minor as holding Harry's hand.

Vena risked a glance around the room, and saw that her brother, Theo, and Blaise were all not with the Slytherins.

She hoped that Draco found them. She needed Draco to find them. She had no idea what it would do to her if something happened to her boys.

She pulled out of her thoughts, wanting to be alert in such an important moment. She could not go inside her mind. She refused to.

Everyone's attention had turned to Snape, as no one but Dumbledore's Army knew why they were there. Dumbledore's Army was prepared. They spent the whole term waiting for this very moment.

Snape and the Carrows stood at the front of the room, with everyone waiting with bated breaths. Vena was vibrating with anticipation. She could feel the adrenaline begin to course through her veins.

Her hand that was holding Harry's began to shake, and Harry squeezed it for nine seconds so it would calm down and stop. Her hand didn't stop.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour. It came to my attention earlier this evening. Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade," Snape said flatly, scanning the room.

The room erupted into whispers, some held with eager, others with disdain.

Vena squeezed Harry's hand back for eight seconds, seeking reassurance and to get her hand to fucking stop shaking, but did not look at him. Her hand was still shaking.

"Now," Snape continued, "Should anyone, student or staff, tempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression, furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty."

The room was silent. Vena looked down, and counted the cracks on the floor by her feet. There were seven cracks in total.

"Another, if anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening I invite them to step forward. Now."

Harry squeezed her hand for six seconds, one last time, seeking comfort.

Then he let go.

He walked away from Vena and showed himself to Snape. The whole room erupted into gasps, and turned to watch the events unfold. The DA wasn't shocked. They had been waiting for this very moment.

"It seems,'' Harry said as the door to the Great Hall opened again, revealing the Order of the Phoenix, "despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem Headmaster. And I'm afraid it's quite extensive."

The Order walked in, leaving the students to part like the red sea.Vena looked around the room again to find her brother, but she saw no platinum hair anywhere. Blaise and Theo weren't there either.

Vena didn't know what to think about that.

She looked up, and saw the stars in the sky in the ceiling of the Great Hall. She saw five stars, bright enough to shine through the ceiling.

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