Sixty One

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-Take Me To Church-

-i'll tell you my sins-

-so you can sharpen your knife-

"How do you destroy a Horcrux?" Ginny casually asked one morning in the Room of Requirement, as if she asked what the weather was for the day.

Vena, Ginny, Stella, Seamus, and Neville were the only ones there. Ginny somehow got a break at the same time as the other seventh years, and they felt much more safe in the Room of Requirement than the Gryfffindor Tower.

It's not like the Tower was unsafe, per se, it's just that at any time the Carrows could go in. None of them wanted to take the chance if one of the Carrows busted in.

"What the bloody hell is a Horcrux?" Seamus asked.

"It's a piece of your soul. You kill a person, and in exchange you can split up your soul to hide it in an object. That way, if someone were to try and kill you, you wouldn't truly be dead yet. There's still a piece of you in that object, thus making you live. But i think you can use animals as well," Vena explained, not looking up from her cauldrons.

She was making more Calming Droughts and Essence of Dittany, thanks to Professor Slughorn, who had awarded her more ingredients as a Christmas Gift.

Vena frowned when no one said anything. She turned around, and was met with looks of confusion from Ginny, Stella, Neville, and Seamus.

"Hermione explained it to me before she left, but how do you know what it is?" Ginny asked.

Vena flushed, remembering how Harry had trusted her last year with the information. She doesn't know if the other three know about her and Harry.

Of course Ron and Hermione knew, and Draco, but to Vena's knowledge, that's as far as it extends to. To be safe, and partially scared of their judgment, Vena didn't tell them how close her and Harry really were.

"I read it in a book in my library at home," she mumbled.

It was true, there was a book on Horcruxes in the library, which Vena had read cover to cover over the summer. She hadn't even looked for it on purpose.

In all honesty, Vena had forgotten what Harry had told her until she had read the book. She was originally trying to look for a book with information on a spell or potion to heal her mark.

Sadly, there was nothing. There were healing spells and potions for Snake Venomous bites, but the injury had to of been right away. Not months ago like Vena's was.

And mixed with the Dark Lord's spell meant that it probably couldn't be healed at all. There was nothing in books about his own spell. Mostly because the only people that knew it were his own followers.

Vena quickly went in her mind, trying to find the memory of her reading it. She quickly analyzed it, reading the only known ways of destroying a Horcrux.

She was glad that the book her family had was one that had all the information, and not have it blackened out like at the libary at Hogwarts.

There weren't that many ways, which was concerning to Vena. She hoped that Harry had the items needed to destroy Horcruzes, or else he, Ron, and Hermione are royally fucked. She pulled out of her mind, and recalled what she had just saw.

"Anyway, you have to destroy it beyond repair. You can destroy it using basilisk venom, or fiendfyre. But basilisk venom is hard to come by and fiendfyre is incredibly dangerous. If it were an animal, i'm sure the killing curse would do just fine. Or you could chop it's head off to be sure."

Forget-Me-Not {Harry Potter}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें