Chapter 30

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~Ryder's POV~

3 months, 3 months Rosa was taken away from me and my life has been agony ever since. The only way I know she is alive is from the video camera that the bastard set up that let me see her every second, I just wish she wasn't in pain. My emotions have been numb to me ever since Rosa was kidnapped.

After the fight all of the enemies were dead except for that one horrible man that took away Rosa I went on a rampage. I destroyed everything in the house and locked myself in my room so no one could dare try to enter. Trust me, I am still in my room today except that my pack brings me my food and forces me to get off my ass to either use the bathroom or take a shower. I never stay to far from my laptop so that I can still be with my mate, but it isn't the same. After I rampaged in the house I ordered my pack to go looking for Rosa. There has been no word because they say that her scent was covered up by some mysterious scent that no one can track down. After a month they gave up and I couldn't have been more furious. They tried to get me to move on, but every time they try I go off on them until they walked, more like run with their tails between their legs, away. I was never able to leave my room as misery took over my entire body. After everyone gave up on the search I gave the instructions for Dalton to take over, possibly forever. Until I see that Rosa is truly gone then I won't give up hope. My pack still keeps their eyes out for Rosa, her scent or the mysterious person's scent. 

Right now I have my arms hugging my legs to my chest. My chin rests on my knees and my eyes are red-rimmed from sobbing every few hours of everyday. In a way, I am a little happy to not have marked Rosa because then it would of amplified our ability feel each other's emotions. She would feel my misery and I would feel her pain. Although, man do I wish to be able to feel something of her. When I get her back I swear to always have her by my side no matter what. I don't care what the situation is I will always be with her. 

I see her in the corner of her room looking into the camera and telling me to turn off the camera and move on. She should know that I would never dare turn off this camera. It was my only connection with her that I had at this moment. 

I see that sorry bastard walk back in with something behind his back. I grew instantly suspicious as he never hid anything behind his back before. He kneels down and brings out a flaming piece of metal behind his back, like the ones to brand animals. Wait a minute . . . he wasn't thinking of . . . oh shit! I tried to move, but I had been in this position so long that everything was numb and I had to wait a few minutes before I could even move my pinky finger.

My eyes widened in complete agony as the bastard slammed the hot metal onto Rosa's bare skin. Rosa screamed out in pain and couldn't even move because of the force that that man had on Rosa's arm. He finally pulls away after the metal showed signs of cooling down. He says, "This is fun, remind me to do this every other month from now on." He walks away as I watch Rosa try to recover from the horrible scorching hot red burn on her arm. I look closer and I recognize the symbol that was on there. I seen it before when I was wondering around one day when I was bored. It was the same symbol that was on the house that was a good 10 miles from here. I grow excited at the fact that I could still remember the exact path to the house by road and by forest. I quickly get up, but my muscles were still numbed yet so I instantly fell back to the floor. In a few minutes I was able to get up and run out of the house in a flash. No one seemed to notice as I felt like I was air. I decided to take my car as to not carry back Rosa for 10 miles, it would be a strain on me and on her. Although I had to park at least a mile away as to not draw there attention by my obnoxious car.

As I drove I went over 20 miles what the speed limit permitted, but I was fortunate to not get pulled over. In less than 5 minutes I was about a mile from that wretched place so I stopped the car and got out. I ran towards the house to see a normal looking house even though on the outside it looked fine it's what's on the inside that drives people away. I walk up to the door and knock. There was a girl that looked to be a year or two older than me looked me up and down then gave me what she thought was a flirtatious smile. She speaks, "Hey there handsome, what are you doing in these woods? Would you like to come in and get cozy?" I nod my head even though I wanted to throw up on the spot. 

As I walk in I see a closet right next to the door so before this whore could even blink I stuffed her in the closet and broke the doorknob. She bangs the door and yells, but that encourages me to move in faster as I open doors to find that the one that went downstairs was only a door down from where I was. I race downstairs to see an older man and woman torturing my love. I immediately turn the man around and knock him before I could process what I was doing and then slammed the women's head into the wall, hard enough to make her unconscious, but was still alive, for now. I don't care who the hell these people are, anyone living in this house that tortures my loved one should rot in hell for their sins against an angel like her. 

I quickly drop to my knees as I see unimaginable bruises and scars envelope her body along with the brand her father gave her. I quickly touch her and heal all of her injuries and break her shackles into pieces. She seemed to be a little foggy until she saw my face. She whispered, "Ryder? Is that you?" I smile as I peck her forehead and carry her with her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

I say, "Yes, I am here and I am so sorry for not finding you sooner. The brand helped me finally discover where you were located. I missed you so much and I love you more than I could imagine. I am never letting you go again." By the time I finished we were outside the house and I was grabbing my lighter out of my pocket. I opened it and chucked it at the home of terror. I watch as the house is slowly engulfed in huge flames. I am so happy that these people can forever be tortured in their after life. I job back to my car and get in. I refused to move Rosa so, while I drove she sat in my lap hugging me. I don't know if she is surprised or just insanely happy. I pull into our driveway and hop out. I job up the stairs and slam my door and quickly lock it as to not be disturbed. I sit on the bed with Rosa still in my arms and I lie on my back with her on top. I kiss her up and down her throat. I wanted to mark her so much badly, but before I could do that she spoke the most amazing words in the world.

"I love you, Ryder."

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