Chapter 28

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Rough hands grip my shoulder as I am viciously shaken from my momentary slumber. Ryder keeps saying "Rosa wake up, please. What the hell do you mean that today is your birthday?" He continues this for a few more minutes before he picked me up and shakes me a little harder to wake me up. 

I finally had enough and groaned out, "What?" 

Ryder seemed to get even more furious as he says, "Why did you wait for the end of the day to tell me that it was your birthday? I could have given you the most amazing things and a spectacular day an-" I had to cut him off. He just doesn't realizes that today was amazing.

"Don't you get it? You have brought me the best birthday in all of my life. For my birthdays for the last 18 years I have been beaten and alone. This year I was able to have my friend, mate, and be able to open up to everyone. You have given me the greatest gift of all, love." He looked at me with tears in his eyes and pulled me into a hug. He has been hugging me a lot lately, but I am not going to complain. I love his hugs. They are always warm and seduce me into a content state.

He whispers, "You truly were brought up in such a horrible environment. I am sorry I wasn't able to be there for you then, but I will be with you here from now to forever."

"It's alright."

"I love you Rosa," I wanted to say those words back to him to make him feel better, but I couldn't. I don't feel truly in love with him. I do care for him, but not in the way he cares for me. He seemed to realize my state and say "Don't worry, you don't have to say the same thing back until you are ready. I just love for you to know that you love me. That reminds me . . ." He trails off as he gets up and goes over to the closet. He digs around until he pulls out something that I couldn't see. He walks back with the thing behind his back and sits back on the bed.

He brings the item out from behind his back and I see a black box. Ryder opens it and I see the most beautifully intricate ring I have ever seen. I freeze as a thought came to my mind. Ryder notices my look and says, "Don't freak out. It is not an engaement ring, yet. Don't give me that look you know that I want to marry you one day, even though it is not a part of a werewolves custom. This is a ring of promise. I promise to always be there for you and protect you from the dangers of the world. If I fail I will never be able to forgive myself. I won't stop until I fully redeem myself. If you die then I will kill myself so I will be able to be with you forever. Werewolves don't die unless in an attack, but if you die in human form I will kill myself and my wolf to fully be with you. That's why we don't have old people here and that's why many parents seem young. We stop aging a certain time in our life and stay that way forever. So, Rosa this ring is a promise of my love for you. One day I will exchange it for an engagement ring and then a wedding ring, but right now this is an eternal promise. Will you accept it?"

"Yes," I say breathlessly as I couldn't believe the sweetness of his words towards me. He takes my hand and puts the ring on my ring finger on my left hand, as not to confuse anyone if it was on my right.

I gave him a full on heated kiss on his mouth before I fell asleep, looking at his happy face.


I wake up to shouting and Ryder shaking me. I wanted to fall back asleep, but his face was set on worry and fear. I shot up and asked, "What's wrong?" He begins to freak out a little until I touched his cheek to calm him down. He took deep breaths from his miniature panic attack.

"We are being attacked and we need to get you somewhere safe." I nod my head and grab clothes to quickly put on since we were completely nude. I got ready so fast that I was amazed that no time passed. Ryder grabs my hand and brings me downstairs, but stops when he sees everybody fighting against people in black. It was so chaotic that it looked like they were just merging together. I noticed Nicole and Dalton fighting back to back against a group of people in black that were surrounding them. I notice children hiding under furniture trying to escape the horrible attack of these people. No one was to be paying any attention to them which I was thankful for. I was amazed at how many people in black were already down on the ground either close to death or has already met him face to face. We quickly ran back upstairs, but something wraps around my legs pulling them out from under me. My head bangs against the hard wood stairs. My vision begins to blur as Ryder starts to fight with whoever tripped me. I could already feel a headache coming to my head.

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