Chapter 1

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~Rosaline's POV~

Another day in the crap hole I call school. I hate my life. Why don't I kill myself? For the hope that one day all of it would change. Who knew that day came sooner than expected.

I was walking to school, yeah I know why don't you have a car or why don't you take the bus? Well I live no where so I am forced to stay in an alleyway. If you can believe it, it's the safest alleyway out there. Everyone is so friendly and it's so hard to deny there offers because they are so persistent.

Anyway, so I was walking to school, and like always, the jocks come up in there beeping splashing me with last nights rain storm. I don't stop because I'm used to the harassment. One of the dark brown haired ones yells "Loser!" I continue to walk as I shiver, hoping to not get frostbite, as if anyone would care.

I see the school come closer and I move around to the back so that I wouldn't be as badly bullied as I would be upfront. As I enter the school I hear some sluts say "Did you hear anything about the new students?"

They were standing beside my locker so I was able to hear them clearly. The redhead said "I heard there is a bunch of them that came from this foreign country and are looking for someone special. Hopefully it's me so I can have some of their foreign flavor." They both do a shrill laugh that almost everyone cringes from it.

I just ignore them and continue getting my books. I knew that those new people will never choose me. Who would like someone who is like me, a useless piece of junk loser like me? Oh wait that's right, no one.

As I continue to walk down the hall someone wraps there arm around my shoulder. I am so stunned I almost fall flat on my face. The guy knew I was about to trip, so he lowers his arm to my waist to hold me up a little more.

I keep looking down as he drags me into an abandon hallway. I keep looking down when he stops and makes me try to look at him. I just step back and say "If your gonna beat me up just do it. Say the names everyone else says 'loser', 'idiot', 'useless', 'junk' and whatever else you can think of. You know the drill like everyone else. I won't tell anyone of what you did as long as you don't break anything."

I wait for him to do something, anything. I look up into his eyes to see light brown eyes. There was something that passed through them, but I didn't bother to stick around.

I start to walk away when he grabs my arm roughly. I cringe as there was a bruise there from my last beating. He notices and does an inhuman growl. I widen my eyes not knowing what to do as nothing like this has ever happened before.

He takes my face into his hands and growls "Mine!" before I run away from him.

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