Chapter 6

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My legs move as fast as they can down the stairs and out the door. Luckily, there is no one in the house was there to stop me or question me. The cool ground reminds me of the upcoming winter that is to be soon. I ignore the frostbite coming to my feet and continue to sprint down the driveway and into the forest. I have no idea where I am, but I don't care as I try to get away from Ryder.

I believe he has a kind heart and is incredibly sweet, but I can't ruin his life by being a burden. If I am with him someone could use me against him since they would know how truly weak I am.

I hear a howl as my sprint stopped for a moment. The forest suddenly seems to come to life with all the creatures that roam around inside it. My feet immediately start another sprint as my breathing comes out faster. I don't know how long I ran or how I got here, but I finally made it back to the alleyway that I lived at. I smile gratefully as I lie down only to pass out from exhaustion.

"Useless," slap "pathetic, idiotic, weak . . ." this continues as my mother brutally beats me on the hard floor. I just came back from outside where they told me to catch dinner. I was able to quickly catch a fish and cook it by a nearby stream. Blood pours from my face as she still claws the flesh off of it as a punishment for staying out too long. I would run away, but that would end horribly on my part.

She picks me up by my collar and throws me down the stairs of the basement then slamming the door shut not forgetting to turn the lock on the key. I slowly get up and go to the tiny sink and toilet in the corner. At least they were nice enough to give me a place to do my business. I look in the mirror to see all kinds of claw marks across my cheeks, forehead, nose and anywhere else where she could get her hands on me.

I clean up the dried blood all over my face only to end up with light claw marks from her abuse. I look at my face and sigh. My dark red hair lost its glow long ago from the first years of the abuse as a baby. They started to feed me very little and slapping me for not knowing what was right or what was wrong. Those people always kept me in the basement and when I grew to understand what was happening they grew more violent with their actions. They start to kick and punch me while calling me horrible names. I learned not to cry out in pain as that only resulted in a harsher punishment. My eyes were the brightest green known to man kind yet that didn't stop them from torturing with my pleading looks for mercy. I look down at my body to see it deathly pale and thank the heavens for not being able to see any of my bones clearly.

I crawl on the ground curling up my body as I silently sob and hope that one day a better life will come up. I couldn't take another day of this and I was about to scream and go ballistic.

My eyes open with a start as I look up at the dark clouds above my head signaling today was going to be a long day. I debated whether or not to go to school.On the one hand I could go avoid the problem until Ryder forgets and moves on from me. On the other hand I could go face him head on and find out what the big problem is. As I see that it starts to rain I know what I have to do.

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