Chapter 20

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Karter POV

Saturday was boring all I did was stress over Dawson and do home work.
I tried to not think about her and us for the weekend but I couldn't help it my brain just drifts to her. I feel as if I've known her for so long but in reality I've only know her a few weeks.
Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and went out to a park near my house and tried to practice but even then she didn't escape my mind. I kept imagining her playing and how she would probably be cracking jokes over something stupid and then act all tough while taking a shot at goal. After an hour of practicing I laid down in the grass and put my music up in my ear buds trying to drown out any other noises. With my eyes shut I just thought of life and lacrosse and how amazing it would feel to win states but how much it would suck if beating Dawson is the only way to do so. Then I thought about Lexi and how much I missed our old relationship.
I was beginning to doze off in the middle of the park when all of a sudden I felt a ball hit my arm springing me up into a sitting position.
"Karter what are you doing" Dani asks with a smile on her face watching me curiously.
"Dani what are you doing here?" I was a little startled by her surprise.
"Went to your house and your little brother said I could find you here" she sits next to me.
"Oh why where you looking for me" I said lying back down.
"What I can't just come see my best friend for no reason" she definitely wanted something.
"Come on Dani out with it"
Dani sighed and contemplated for a second then began speaking.
"Me and the team kind of need you" this caught my attention.
"Need me for what" I sat back up
"So I know your probably gonna be against this well even Hailey doesn't think it's a good idea but everyone agreed to do it" now I'm scared what did my team get themselves into.
"There's gonna be a prank tomorrow against Vella" ughhh just what I needed in my life my team pulling a prank on Dawson's team.
"You can count me out" I said immediately.
"Look I thought you might say that but the thing is without you there I'm afraid the girls are gonna go a little over board and with you there you can keep everything chill"
She had a point if I don't go they could do something bad and I could've stopped it.
"Fine I'm in, but there better be nothing illegal"
She clapped her hands together and jumped up
"Good! Now let's go binge watch Disney"

Dani ended up sleeping over and we watched the whole wizards of waverly place series including both movies. She was still in bed asleep while I was up and making breakfast.
"Kk have you seen my cleats" my little brother said running into the kitchen. When he was younger he couldn't pronounce Karter so he just called me KK and it kind of stuck
"No not recently why?" He looked panicked
"I can't find them anywhere and I need them cause I have a game today" I put the milk away and helped him. After finding his cleats the doorbell rang.  I went to the door curious as to who was here because nobody was expecting anyone.
I opened the door to reveal Austin, Hailey, some other guy I recognize from the boys lax team I think his name is Tommy but I'm not sure and my sister Lexi all standing there.
"Ummm hey guys"
Lexi just walked past me while everyone else just said their hello's and headed inside
"What are you guys doing here"
Hailey now sitting on my kitchen counter watching while I finish pouring two bowls of cereal.
"We are here to discuss tonight and what we gotta plan" Austin spoke.
"Yup those Vella kids ain't know what's gonna hit em" the maybe tommy kids says.
"You can say that again Timmy" Hailey screams.
Good thing my parents are at work. Also learned his name is Timmy.
Dani walks through the kitchen shocked to see a group of people.
"Dani! Your here too, perfect" Hailey excitedly shouts
I've grown to really like Hailey but she is to much of a morning person to not find her a little annoying right now.
Lexi was silently watching everything except me she has looked at me since our fight. She very good at grudges.
"Ok let me and Dani get dressed and then we talk about tonight"
"Hurry uppp!" Hailey says as she pops off the counter to sit at the kitchen table.
Me and Dani changed and brought everyone upstairs to my room even Lexi came so we could talk about the plans for the night.
"Ooh maybe we could teepee the captains house" Timmy says while sitting at my desk chair spinning in circles. Timmy was very attractive and athletic guy but not really my type but I can definitely see Dani having a crush on him.
"Too much work" Lexi says.
"Agreed" Austin agrees with her.
"What if we ceranwrap that one bitch's car that's always starting shit" Hailey asks.
"How are we suppose to find where she lives" Dani questions.
"We could always spray paint like 'Vella sucks' on there score board or something" they all started nodding their heads.
"I like that" Lexi speaks up again
"Ok I'm not doing that, that shit is just straight up illegal vandalism" I say not even caring if I sound lame.
"She's right I don't wanna get caught doing that and risk college scholarships" timmy sides with me
"Okk then off the table?" Dani asks and we nods our heads yes
"Such babies" Lexi says with a scoff.
"Oh guys I have the perfect prank" Austin says while laughing.
"Well don't leave us hanging what are we gonna do" Timmy asks.
"We are gonna....."

We where all piled into 5 cars full of lax girls and guys all wanting in on this prank.
If I'm being honest Austin's prank was pretty great not only was it not illegal it was actually really funny.
It was about 9 at night so already dark.
We drove to Vella to pull off our prank.
We had to make a few stops before making it to the school.
"This is to funny" I heard a couple of girls on the team whispering and laughing.
"Okk guys remember what we gotta do"
We all got to work on our parts of the prank.
What started off as Austin's small idea escalated a little but not in a bad way it just got even funnier.
I just hope Dawson finds it funny and isn't too pissed. I had been able to keep her out of my head for a little bit now I'm realizing I see her tomorrow and we are suppose to talk and I don't know how Dawson's weekend went with all that she's going through so I'm a little nervous.
"Damn we pulled it off" Hailey whispered
We all stepped back and stared at our artwork
"Time to go before anyone sees us" we all piled back in the cars laughing and cheering.

When me and Lexi finally got home our mom questioned were we where but of course Lexi lied and neither of us got in trouble.
I headed straight to my room but before I went in I decided I wanted to talk to Lexi again so without even knocking I barge into her room.
"What the hell karter!"
She was changing in the pajamas and already pissed with me.
"Me and you need to talk" I tried to stand my ground best I could.
"No we don't now get out of my room" she stepped to me.
"No I'm not leaving" she was getting increasingly pissed.
"Why what could we possibly have to talk about!" she slightly shouted.
"Your my sister Lexi! My twin! And this fighting and hating each other is over because I want my sister back and I'm sick and tired of this terrible relationship that has been built" she looked a little shocked by my words she probably expected me to start another fight.
"What?" Was all she could say
"You heard me I'm done fighting with you! Your my twin sister and that's how I'm gonna treat you from now on" I stepped closer to her hoping she wouldn't back away.
She didn't do or say anything. Before she could respond I hugged her hoping to get a hug back. I squeezed her tighter and finally she gave in and hugged me back. We stayed like that for a few minutes.
"I've missed you" she whispered in my ear.
"I missed you too" I whispered back
We pulled away and I saw tears in her eyes so instead of going back to my room to sleep I jumped into her bed and waited for her to be ready and slept in her room.
Tomorrow was a new day and hopefully Dawson is ready to talk and everything just stays good cause finally things started to feel like they where working out.

//Sorry it's been a couple weeks I've been grounded😂 I did some stupid stuff on New Year's Day that wasn't to smart. But anyway hope you like it!

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