Chapter 3

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Dawson's POV
Practice ended 3 hours ago It was amazing. Being captain my junior year makes everything easier I can do what I want when I want and I get to tell all the other girls what they need to do. Most of the girls on the team appreciate how hard I make us work because it means we'll win. But there are some girls like Alice Saunders that bitch all practice long just cause they didn't make captain and talk about me behind my back because of it. I could care less what they think I know I deserved captain over all of them.
I've been getting ready for the past hour blasting music in my room for the party unsure if I should dress comfortable or sexy. At first I didn't wanna go but now I'm in the mood to just be dancing and get wasted with my best friends.
"Dawson!" A muffled voice says scaring the crap outta me so I turn my music down.
"Jesus Dawson turn down your music your gonna go deaf" my brother Charlie says.
Charlie is a year older than me but we're super close when he graduates this year I don't know what I'm gonna do with out him.
"Sorry do you need something" I asked
"Valerie is here, she's in my room she tried knocking on your door and you didn't open and she didn't wanna walk in on you being naked"
Why was Valerie waiting in Charlie's room she's my best friend we've literally showered together before when we where both drunk.
"VALERIE! get in here" I yell for her.
"Hey babes what's up" she looked amazing already ready for the party.
"Getting ready Dylan should be here in a few minutes and Cole should be here in 30 the party starts at 9 so we'll be fashionably late"
"Kk, damn girl that's hot" she said as she saw what outfit I started putting on.
"Thank you thank you"  I started straightening my hair. My hair is already pretty straight but this just makes it look better. I don't wear makeup to parties because once you start dancing it feels like your melting.
"Dylan's here!" I heard my brother scream.
I grabbed Val's hand and we ran down stairs attacking Dylan by me jumping on his back and Valerie jumping on his side. We didn't quite think this through because before we knew it we all fell down.
"Are you guys wrestling without me" oh no
The next thing I know my little brother Xavier jumps on top of all of us landing right on me
Everybody bursted our laughing trying to detangle ourselves to get up.
"Dawson can I go with you tonight" my little brother said. I felt bad I knew he couldn't come with us but having to tell him sucked.
"Remember our deal when your a freshman next year and I'm a senior I'll bring you to all the parties" he looked so sad it made me sad
"Alright I guess" he stood waved bye and went to his room. I felt bad now.
Just then we all heard a car honk. Cole must be here. I grabbed my keys and purse and helped Dylan up from the floor. We all walked out together. I kissed Cole and got in my car Cole sat in the passenger seat Val and Dylan sat in the back I turned up the music and started driving.

Karters POV
Its 8:50 and I'm still not ready I literally have no clothes to wear to a party. I'm tempted to ask Lexi for help but then I'll have to admit I need her help and that won't go over well. I just decide to put on ripped skinny jeans and a cute crop too and adidas superstars. I still have to pick up Dani and Austin too. I decide to call Dani to let her know I'm on my way.
"Hey Dani getting in my car now" I turned on my car and started driving towards her house.
"See u in 5" she hung up.
5 minutes later I was waiting outside her house I look at her door and see her running out in a whole raincoat.
"Umm what are you wearing" I said laughing but stopped when she took the raincoat off she was wearing a small dress and pulled out heels.
"Dani where going to a house party not prom"
"I know but I don't get to go to parties often so I wanna dress up" I couldn't lie she looked great. "Dani call Austin and tell him I'm 5 minutes from his house" she looks at me again with an eyebrow raised "sus! But ok"
"It's not sus It's a friend taking a friend to a party" she doesn't act convinced instead she just calls him and tells him where only 5 minutes away.
"Hey Dani Hey Karter" we both nod to him acknowledging him. He sits in the middle of the backseat with both his hands on the back of our seats.
"So I heard that Hailey invited the entire a school and word got to Vella so it's gonna be a fun night" great the whole school plus Vella's whole school seriously regretting saying yes to going. Austin looked at what Dani was wearing and I almost thought I saw drool.
"Dani you went all out" he said to her. She smiled then looked at me as if she needed permission to speak to him. The car turned into awkward silence so I turned the radio on.
Instead of staying quiet Austin attempts a conversation again.
"So has your coach decided where you guys will be practicing" smart choice on his side to talk about lacrosse. "Not yet she just canceled practice and then said that there redoing the field" he looked content with himself for getting a response. "I heard that it was Vellas team that did it is that true?" Yes I said to myself knowing if I say it aloud it'll just get me heated. Instead of responding Dani goes for me. "Where all pretty sure it was them but coach doesn't want us to accuse anybody" he made an ohhh face.
"If it where the boys we would hit them back and harder" as much as I would like to retaliate all it would do is get our team in trouble. Hailey is the only one crazy enough to try to hit them back. As I was thinking about what Hailey might do to them I saw a bunch of cars parked everywhere.
"We must be here" Austin's said smiling.
He looks ready for a party. Meanwhile I look terrified. I park on the side of the road turn off the care and mentally prepare. Dani takes off her seatbelt and gets out walks around the car and practically drags me outta my car.
"Ok ok I'm coming your gonna tear my arm off" I complain. Once all three of us are out the car we walk and stop right in front of the house.
"Alright let's do this"

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