Chapter 5

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Dawson's POV
I hop back on the counter talking to the girl I saved from Alice. She says her names Karter. When she turned around she definitely wasn't what I was expecting. This girl was a smoke show with long curly brown hair and dark mysterious eyes she could beat out any girl in this room for looks but yet she was scared of Alice. Maybe she doesn't know how beautiful she is? I catch myself staring at her and can feel heat rush to my cheeks. Why am I blushing. She's a girl, a very gorgeous girl. I feel her staring at me like a lost puppy. I hop off the counter again but this time I don't land the way I planed I land right on my ass realizing that the tequila is hitting in full effect right now. Well that's embarrassing. I tried to pull myself up but fail. I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid I probably look. Anybody who sees me knows I had a little to much to drink. The girl Karter grabs my arm and pulls it over her shoulder and helps me up and starts walking me somewhere. I couldn't help but feel safe. She smells like vanilla.
"You smell like vanilla" I look at her and see her blushing.
"Your blushing" I point out to her only making her get even redder. We finally get where she was taking us and I look around to see that I'm in a bedroom it looks like a girl teenagers room with pink everywhere. She shuts the door behind her as she helps me to the bed and sits me down at the edge.
"Why are you helping me you don't even know me" she sits next to me and turns her head to look me in the eye "because if I where as drunk as you right now which I actually think I might be" she says with a chuckle "then I'd want someone to take of me". Her amazing vanilla scent was washing over me If I didn't move from her I think I'd lose it. I get up and move to see the pictures on the walls. I think I recognize the girl in the photos but there to blurry to tell. I can feel karter's eyes following me around the room. She's not wearing anything special just ripped jeans and a crop top yet I feel underdressed in her presence.
"So Karter why are you here" she looks shocked  I started a conversation with her.
"I don't know to be with my friends I guess"
"But your not with your friends your with me" she doesn't know what to say I can tell she's looking for the right words.
"You can go to your friends if you want" I tell her. She looks hurt that I told her to leave.
"No I'm good here" I smiled.
"Why are you here Dawson" she said my name so unsure if she could call me by my first name she almost looked scared.
"I'm here because my boyfriend said that It was suppose to be huge and allot of fun and well I live for fun" I said the last part sarcastically. I picked up a bracelet then put it down to look at her. She looks down at her hands like she just lost all her confidence to talk to me.
"Your boyfriend?" Oh shit I did just say that. Wait why do I care if she knows I have a boyfriend. Maybe cause I didn't want her to act the way  she is right now. I go to sit next to her on the bed again.
"Ya my boyfriend" I said in a sad tone. I look at her scared hoping that doesn't make her wanna leave. She lifts her head to look me in the eyes. I felt myself stop breathing by how breathtaking she is. I don't act like this not around anybody why was she making me act like this. My heart was racing it felt like I was in the middle of a lacrosse game and I was winding up to shoot and I snap my hands down and the ball goes exactly where I wanted and everyone's screaming my name that's how siting next to her looking in her eyes made me feel. Where so close together I could feel her breath, our arms were touching, and our fingers somehow got woven together.
"I'm straight" she whispers barely audible but I heard it.
"Me to" I whisper back. Neither of us affected by each others words. I could feel us getting closer and closer together like we where magnets that couldn't stay away from each other. My breath hitches and our lips meet. At first it's was slow and rhythmic but within seconds It grew aggressive with both of us fight for our lips to somehow get closer.
I didn't want this to end.

Karter's POV
What am I doing? Have I gone crazy? Do I want to stop? No.
I've never been kissed like this. I don't want this to end. We somehow switched positions on the bed and now I'm lying down flat on my back and She's straddling me at my waist our lips never separating. Her tongue swipes over my bottom lip begging for entrance and without hesitation I let it. Now our tongues Are dancing around each others mouths never missing a beat in the rhythm we've created. My hand starts wandering to the hem of her shirt I start to play with it scared to take it off her. But I think she gets where I'm going because her hands meet mine and she guides me to take it off. She throws it somewhere in the room crashing her lips back into mine. My hands get tangled into her hair as I try to pull her closer. Instead of deepening the kiss she trails kisses down my neck. I let out a small moan. I could feel her lips turn to a smile on my neck.
"That was extremely sexy" she whispered in my ear. I could feel my cheeks temperature rising even higher. She trailed kisses all the way back to my lips and instead of going back for a kiss she tugs at my shirt. I sit up a little bit to help her within seconds my shirts off and we're making out again. I could feel my confidence growing. I flip us so I'm on top. I kiss down her neck and her collar bone leading me to her bra.
"Can I" I say in a pleading voice motioning to her bra. She doesn't even speak she just guides my hand to the clasp. I do the rest.  I slowly pull the straps down then throw the bra somewhere in the room I look at her and feel scared but also safe. I've never gone this far with a girl before but it's like being with Dawson I knew exactly what to do. "Your beautiful" I say making her smile.
She grabs a hand full of my hair and pulls me back into a deep kiss. Both our tongues dancing against each others. She goes for the clasp of my bra but before it's fully off we hear a loud knock on the door that sends us both flying to the opposite sides of the room. We both are gasping for air scared that we might of just got caught. We look at the door it's still shut and the knocking stopped. I turn to look at Dawson and the brave girl that scared one of the bitchiest people I've ever met cowering, looked mortified.
"That escalated really quick" I said still keeping eye contact with her.
"I have to go" she grabbed her bra and shirt put them on in record time and ran out of the room. I didn't know what to do so I just threw my shirt on and tried to go after her.
"Dawson stop!" I tried yelling over the music.
"Dawson slow down!" I could see her turn around. I finally got to her in the middle of the dance floor. I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. I found the front door and got us both outside. Once the door shut behind us we were alone outside in silence.
"What!?" She asked angrily
"What was that back there" I tried to sound nice and friendly but it came out pleading.
"I don't know I'm drunk ok so just forget it happened it's not like where ever gonna see each other again" she grabbed keys out of her pocket and turned to walk away.
"What if I don't want to forget it" I yelled after her.
"You should want to". Maybe she's right. I turned around went back inside to find Dani and get the hell out of here.
I finally found her dancing with some sweaty guy that was being way to touchy. I pulled at Dani's arm. I could tell she was drunk I got her in my car then turned my engine on to leave when all of a sudden somebody knocked on my window. I looked out my window to see a boy my age shirtless. He was super good looking with chiseled well everything. I put my window down. "Hey do you think I could get a ride I live like 10 minutes from here and my ride just bailed" at first I was gonna say no but then I felt bad. It's freezing outside and he's shirtless.
"Get in" he smiled and jumped in the back of the car.
"I'm Karter" he keeps his smile on like some sort of ken doll.
"I'm Dylan"

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