Chapter 12

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Don't ask me why I stood her up because even I don't know. I felt so much pressure to meet her there and just knowing this if I showed up it would mean something. I decided that not showing up and staying out of Karter's life was for the best for her and me.
I'm sitting at home watching some show on Netflix that I'm not totally into but at least it will keep my mind occupied. I'm slowly falling asleep in bed when I hear a knock on my door and then enters Cole.
"Hey babe why aren't you ready" I sat up looking at him confused.
"What?" He looked pissed I didn't remember making any plans with him but then again my minds been a little preoccupied.
"The dinner is tonight, I can't believe you forgot" I shot out of bed and went to my closet already looking for clothes.
"I'm so sorry Cole I'll be ready in 10 minutes don't worry" I grabbed along jeans and a cute top and started changing as fast as possible while Cole sat on my bed on his phone. I stumbled around my room looking for my shoes.
"What are you looking for" I looked up from the floor with a grin on my face hoping Cole wasn't to upset.
"My shoes could you help me find them" he got up from my bed and went over to my desk and lifted up a black pair of vans.
"That's totally unfair" he chuckles and tossed them next to me.
"You really need to clean this place" he went back to my bed looking back at his phone.
"Alright I'm all ready" I got next to him on my bed. He pulls me onto his lap and smiles into my neck.
"Thanks for coming with me your the best girlfriend ever" when moments like this happen I know that I love Cole but I'm not sure if I'm in love with him. I feel guilty not really about the kiss with karter because I was wasted when that happened I'm more feeling guilty of the feelings I have.
"Keep going" he pulls me into a kiss and I don't hate it it feels nice but there's no spark it's friendly. I pull away first and situate my hair.
"We're gonna be late come on" I grab his hand and pull him off my bed. We walk to his car and begin driving to a restaurant I've never heard of. I get aux and decide to play some old 2000's punk classics to pump Cole up. We both sing along and start laughing at each other while he drives. We finally park and go to the hostes to see where we're sitting. We follow a tall lady dressed like she's the ceo of a banking company to a table in the back of the restaurant. Approaching the table I see a boy me and Coles age sitting on his phone alone.
We take our seat and the boy looks up at us with no emotion just a blank stare. Nobody says a thing and the awkwardness just grows.
"Hi I'm Dawson" I try to start some type of conversation.
"Austin" the boy seems uninterested in a conversation and instead scans the menu. Cole has mentioned he was bringing his girlfriend I wonder where she is. All  three of us are now silently staring at our menus when I hear someone take a seat
"Sorry I was using the bathroom"
I look up to the familiar voice and familiar eyes and can feel my heart start pounding in my chest. Out of everyone in the entire world the girl that took a seat next to me was non other than the girl that has plagued my mind the past few days. Karter.


We got to the restaurant early and just ordered water. Austin was nervous and for him that's not the normal. Austin is our schools it guy he always looks cool but now he looked like a mess. To be honest I was kinda nervous to I wondered what his half brother would be like. I checked the time and went to use the bathroom before they would get here.
I washed my hands and started walking back to  the table and realized that more people had joined and as I got closer I saw all three of them  looking down at menus I wasn't sure how to get there attention so I just said
"Sorry I had to use the bathroom" the girl looks up at me with a shocked expression and before my brain can explain to me what's happening I blurt out "Dawson" both boys look at me curious as to how I know her.
"Uh I mean hi Dawson" the boy I don't yet know who I'm guessing is her boyfriend looks at her suspiciously.
"How do you guys know each other" I can feel my face turn red and look at Dawson to answer thankfully she does.
"Lacrosse she plays for reef" Dawson went from being clearly shocked by my presence to showing zero emotion in two seconds I always wondered how she could do that.
The dinner went by fast both boys kept quiet for the most part except one very passive aggressive conversation about lacrosse that was reaching the edge of full blown fist fight but both me and Dawson reeled the boys in. The check came and the boys split the bill. We sat waiting for the waitress when Dawson got up to got to the bathroom.
"Karter come with me" she sort of demanded it not giving me a choice to say no.
I got up and followed her to the empty bathroom.
"So you lied to me" Dawson looked angry and that made me get angry I was the one who got stood up not her I was the one who should be angry right now.
"Lied about what?" I said this with clear attitude.
"You have a boyfriend" I almost laughed but I didn't cause Dawson looked seriously pissed.
"He isn't my boyfriend" she stood up straighter giving me this look like she didn't believe me I found it incredibly sexy but I'd never tell her that.
"That's not what he says" I hopped on the counter smiling.
"What are you smiling about"
"Now look who's jealous" I could see a tiny smile form on her face. I think she realized how she sounded.
"I'm not jealous I just thought... I don't know what I thought" I hopped off the counter and landed right next to her. As good as Dawson is at hiding her emotions I can see fear in her eyes and I was scared too I don't know why she made me feel this way.
"It's ok I'll keep your secret" I whispered
"What secret" I can tell I was getting to her because she tried to take a step back but ended up hitting a wall.
"That you like me" I don't know where I'm getting all this confidence from cause I'm never like this and by this I mean forward.  Dawson went to deny what I was saying but I closed the space between us and kissed her extremely softly. I wanted her to deepen the kiss so I knew she wanted this too and as if she was reading my mind she grabbed me and pulled me closer her hands where in my hair and mine where roaming her body curious for everything. I never wanted this to end.
But unfortunately all good things come to an end.

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