Chapter 17

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So I started my senior year and I'm gonna be a little busy but I'm gonna try to update as much as possible. Hopefully I don't get swamped with work this year. I also still have physical therapy for my knee which sucks and hurts but I'm gonna grind so I can play this season🙏

I'm currently in the middle of my chem quiz and surprisingly doing well. Every question I read I just have to concentrate and I see karter with her smile and her pencil writing down problems and I instantly remember what the answer is.
When I'm done I turn my quiz in and realize I was the first one done. As everyone else's finishes the bell rings and I start to leave.
"Dawson May I speak with you please." My teacher calls me back.
"Ya sure what's up" I'm hoping that I'm about to be congratulated for how well I did on the quiz but no such luck.
"I'm just a little surprised that you scored a perfect 100 on the quiz it's a complete 180 turn from your past quiz" she didn't even try to hide the accusation in her voice.
"That's because I studied" she clearly didn't believe me.
"Sure Mrs. Andrews I just want to remind you that if I do find out you cheated there will be strict consequences" I'm pissed
"Noted now can I leave" she waves her hand and I'm gone. I just couldn't believe I actually try on something and she accuses me of cheating. You know what it doesn't matter because I did it I actually got a 100 on the quiz on my own. It's all thanks to karter, I couldn't wait to tell her. I pull out my phone to see I have 3 missed calls from Cole all that I ignored. I'm ignoring Cole because I don't know what to say to him. I figured out that ya I really do love him but I'm not in love with him but there's nothing I can do we have been together since forever and everything would be ruined if I broke up with him. Plus having the fact that I have a boyfriend is a good reminder to stay away from karter. I shouldn't need that to keep me away from her all I should need is the fact that she's a girl but obviously with past occurrences we can't be trusted.
The bell rings again and that means I'm late for class. I start jogging to my next class when all of a sudden I'm smacked backwards and land on the floor with some weird liquid all over me.
"WHAT THE HELL!!" I stand to see the culprit is a small freshman boy who looks mortified and he should be.
"I'm.. im... s-so sor-ryyy" he spits out. The halls are empty everyone is in class so it's just me covered in juice and this little freshman cowering from me.
"Can you not speak!"  Sure I could be nice to the little scared kid but I'm covered in juice my teacher pissed me off and I got zero clue how to confront Cole so looks like this freshman caught me at a bad time.
"I-I-I diiidn-t see you I'm sorry" he tries to sound a little more confident but probably realized who I am and how I could ruin him.
"God I fucking hate freshman" I step closer to the boy.
"You ruined one of my favorite shirts, how are you gonna make this right?" God I could be such a bitch sometimes.
"Um I don't know I could help you clean it" I just laughed
"I don't want a freshman touching my shit, you know what just go I don't want to be breathing the same air as you anymore" he practically runs away from me. I head to the bathroom to clean up but after 10 minutes of trying to get the stain out I give up and head out to my car. I drive home to change.
"Is anybody home" I walk around the living room putting down my bag and head to my room. As I go to open my door I hear a sound coming from my brothers room. Instead of ignoring it like I should have I open the door.
"Dawson!" My eyes widen in shock. My BROTHER and my BESTFRIEND are doing it eww gross!! I'm scarred for life.
"Are you fucking kidding me!" Today sucks and it seems like lately everyday sucks the only time I'm not mad or pissed off is when I'm with karter.
"Oh my god Dawson. Please let me explain" Valerie tried to yell after me but I'm already out the door and in my car. Schools almost over and today's a game day so with nowhere else to go I head to the field. After waiting in my car for an hour the bell finally rings and I walk to the locker room waiting for the rest of the girls. One by one they come flooding in and started changing, every game I give a small speech to hype the girls up but today I just yell for them to be ready in 10 and be on the field to start warming up. I start walking out of the locker room and to my luck Valerie is walking in.
"Dawson can we please talk" she pleads with me but I'm to mad to even look at her I just shove past her and go to the field. I kinda feel bad for the team we are about to play against because I'm mad and when I play mad I destroy the opponent. Once all the girls where on the field we began warming up and the other team arrived and started warming up too.
Our coach called us over and told us the game plan and who would be starting. Valerie wouldn't stop staring at me but I just ignored her and went on the field waiting for the beginning of the game.
Once the ref blew his whistle signaling the start of the game I managed to get the ball as fast as possible and ran it down, I looked for a teammate that was open but nobody could get away from there man that was guarding them and the player on me was good but I'm better. I faked to the left than dodge rolled to the right opening up a clear path to goal and I scored, the first 2 minutes of the game.
The rest of the game went like that me having the ball and scoring or me getting the ball passing to a teammate and them scoring. This game was a cake walk the other team was trying their best but they just couldn't stop me. The game ended 14-2 but all the anger I was playing with didn't disappear I was still very angry. After a win like that I usually talk with the girls and congratulate them but today I just told coach I was leaving and grabbed my stuff and left making sure Valerie couldn't stop me to talk. I drove around town not wanting to go home to my brother so I drive in my sweaty uniform and somehow ended up at the library. I walked in and headed to the spot me and karter had sat in before. It was quiet I was all alone with nothing but my thoughts. At first I thought about my mom and how I missed her and how she use to comfort me, than I started thinking about my teacher accusing of cheating and how my dads gonna be pissed if my teacher tells him that, after being pissed about that my mind traveled to the dumbass freshman I was horrible too and I felt guilty and I also felt guilty about Cole and what I was gonna do about our relationship but I was quickly angry again when I remembered what Valerie was doing with my brother. I hated Valerie for being with my brother I mean she was breaking girl code big time, and I'm mad at my brother because he should not be getting himself in any type of relationship he just got out of rehab he shouldn't be putting stress in his life. But finally I started thinking about karter and her smile and it made me smile. It shouldn't make me smile though because I don't like girls and even if I did karter isn't even my type, she's nice and kind and shy plus she plays lacrosse for my biggest rival I should hate her for just that reason alone. But I don't hate her in fact I'm pretty sure she's the one person that I actually really like right now. I began thinking of her voice and of how she laughs and the way she looks down and blushes when she realizes I'm watching her laugh. I probably look stupid I'm sitting in some random isle in the middle of a library just staring into space.
"Dawson?" I snap my head to the direction of the voice I had been thinking about.
"Karter what are you doing here" I quickly say straightening up a bit.
" I was driving past the library and saw your car parked I guess my curiosity got the best of me" she gave a light chuckle and I smiled like an idiot. I looked her up and down and saw her wearing her schools lacrosse uniform, she must have had a game today too. She looked incredible even in a dirty uniform, her hair fell down her shoulders in dark curls and her long legs had dirt everywhere but it some how made her more attractive  knowing she was just playing lacrosse.
"Dawson are you ok?" She walked over to me and sat too close for comfort. I could smell her and instead of smelling like sweat like she should she smelled like pure vanilla and it reminded me of the night we met and how things went a little to far between us.
"I'm fine" I'm really not but she doesn't need to know that.
"Come on Dawson your not fine just tell me what's wrong" how did she do that?
"It's just been a rough day okay so leave it be karter" it comes out harsher than I meant and she looks hurt by my words.
"Karter I'm sorry" I try to apologize but for some reason it just pisses her off.
"No I get it Dawson, you can't just be straight up you have to put up the front of bitch Dawson" I always seem to underestimate karter she presents herself as this shy girl but really she's stronger than she lets on to be and she can be quite the bitch. She basically called me out and as much as I want to just be upfront with her about my problems I have character flaws that prevent me from doing so instead I try to out bitch her.
"It's not a front karter it just me I'm a bitch plain and simple the sooner you realize that the better" both of us are still sitting in the corner of the isle just angrily staring at each other.
"Your not karter it's a facade and I know it it because I've  seen the real you. You let your walls down when your with me.. well most of the time" karter really thinks she knows me but if she really knew how mean of a person I was she wouldn't like me. Just look at how cruel I was to the pour freshman today.
"You don't know a thing about me karter so stop acting like you do" I glare at her most people would run by now but she just glares back.
"I know that you can act like a raging bitch and your probably a raging bitch to everyone at your school but it's not the real you and I know your hurt but I just don't understand why you won't talk to me Jesus" she said this calm and intensely staring at me.
"Your not my girlfriend karter I don't need to tell you anything" at that she just stared at her hands and I felt like a jerk.
"Trust me I know that Dawson" she said it so sad and low I barely heard it but I did I heard her. I was now confused.
"I just wish you would speak to me" she grabbed my hand and I could feel the heat radiating of her skin. Her hand in mine felt good it felt right.
"I'm sorry" was all I could say. She lifted head up and my eyes met hers. I bet now we both looked stupid, two girls just sitting in a random isle of a library with no books out holding each others hand and just staring at each other. Neither of us know what to say or do next and both of us ultimately fucked with how our lives are about to change.

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