Chapter 6

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Dawson's POV

The next morning was hell, my head was throbbing and I felt like throwing up. I go up to check my phone.
11:00 wtf! It's that late in the day?
I have 30 messages and 15 missed calls from Dylan and Valerie. I also have a few messages from random people at the party texting they saw me and that I looked like I had fun. I went into Instagram to check my DMs to see all the pictures people probably sent me from last night. I see a couple really cute ones that I could definitely post later. I finally get to the last one and open it and see a picture of me and a random girl on the floor of a kitchen. I don't recognize the girl and then all of a sudden it hits me. KARTER. The kiss. A girl.
The pictures has a tag for Karter I click on it to see her instagram. Every picture is gorgeous. Some of them are from hiking and some with coffee you'd think she was basic but she was so far from it. I began  Instagram stalking her falling down the rabbit hole ending up all the way back to 2015. I finally decided to put my phone away and go take a shower.
It's a Saturday which meant I had to pick up Dylan and go to the park at 1 to work out and practice. I set an alarm for 12:30 to know that I had to leave. I ran downstairs to eat.
"Hey honey" I jumped from my seat scared.
"Jesus dad a little warning" he laughed
"You were in late last night, have fun?" my dad was super chill when it comes to curfew I got lucky. "Ya I had fun" at least I think it was fun I don't remember anything except the kiss. Alright I need to stop being a little bitch and stop thinking about this girl I barely know. I've decided to put it out of my mind and focus on lacrosse. the first game of the season is in less than two weeks and I don't need any distractions. My dad left to probably go back to work in his office.
"Dawson!" I look up from my food to see Cole grinning at me. I had no clue why he was at my house. Usually on saturdays he's workings in the morning. "Cole what are you doing here" I asked curiously. "Can't I just come see my girlfriend" he started hugging me.
"Of course you can but I thought you worked"
"I do but I got the day off so I'm gonna go with you and Dylan to practice if that's ok with you" I smile up at him. I had almost forgotten about Karter but looking at Cole made me feel guilty. Should I tell him? It was just one time and I was really drunk and it didn't mean anything or did it? I'm screwed.
My alarm started going off, that meant it was time to leave. I grabbed my lacrosse bag and keys and walked to my car with Cole following right behind me.
"Hey where did you go last night" shit I totally forgot they where all suppose to come home with me. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry Cole I forgot I was taking you guys home. I just wasn't having fun so I decided to leave" he seemed to buy my lie. "It's ok Dawson I just had to take a bus to get here because I left my car here" I looked across the street to see his red mustang just sitting there. Great, now I feel ten times more guilty I left him stranded and made him take the bus. Girlfriend of the year award goes to ........... NOT ME!
"Cole why didn't you call I would've gone to get you" he opened my car door for me letting me in and going to his side to get in. "I didn't wanna wake you up I was guessing you'd be a little hungover" he guessed right. He so sweet and I'm a cheat.
"Thanks babe your actually the best, you know that" I say to him backing out of my drive way and on to pick up Dylan.
"I know I'm the best" he puts his hand on my thigh and leaves it there for the rest of the ride.
What am I going to do?

Karter's POV

Last night was crazy. I've been replaying it in my head since I woke up this morning. I wake up every morning around 6 to be able to run and clear my head before the day starts. After my run I went out to breakfast alone to just sit with my thoughts.
I haven't been able to get her off my mind. Dawson, I mean the kiss was amazing I've never kissed or been kissed like that not even with Austin. But I'm not gay or at least I never have thought of myself as being gay or even thought about another girl like that before I don't know what's come over me. I hate change or anything that makes me stand out. I think I just have to forget it and her. The kiss never happened.
I got a text message "Hey Karter it's Dylan from last night I thought we could hang out tonight?" The boy from last night. After I let that boy in we started talking and he was really cool we swapped numbers when I dropped him off. I made the choice to forget about Dawson so maybe hanging out with Dylan will help do just that. "Sure I'd love to, text me when and where" I don't usually hang out with strangers but Dylan seems like the perfect distraction, he's funny and super attractive.
"How about tonight 7:30 at The square mall" said his next message.
"Sounds perfect see you there" I quickly reply and put my phone down. Great now I have a hangout date with a boy I barely know to try to forget a girl I barely know.
Life's going great

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