Chapter 7

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Dawson's POV
Practice was fun. I wish it lasted longer though. When I'm on the field I feel invincible and all I think about is passing the ball to score or scoring myself nothing else is going through my head. The moment I stop playing all I think about is Karter and the very unexpected kiss. I don't know why it's stressing me out so much I was drunk,  kissing random people happens sometimes but it just feels like that kiss meant more.  I'm good at hiding my emotions so nobody will ever know what's secretly brewing in my head. After practice I drove us back to my house but Cole had to leave he said he had a huge essay due by 8 o'clock that he hasn't even started yet. So it's just me and Dylan hanging out in my room. Where listening to a radio station for hip pop. I was laying on my bed while Dylan was sitting in my bean bag chair looking into space.
"Hey dyl you ok?" He looked kind of down.
"Do you think I could've been wrong before"
I'm confused "wrong about what"
"Maybe I'm not gay maybe I was just overthinking it and I was wrong" he actually sounded scared, for as long as I've know Dylan I've never seen this him scared except for the time he actually told me he was gay.
"Dylan I think that you need to be true to yourself if that's being gay, straight, or bi. Just know I'll also be here for you no matter what" I felt protective of Dylan like he was a little brother even though he's older than me and just my bestfriend.
"Thanks Dawson your the best" he smiles and stands to come hug me.
"I think I'm gonna try with a girl maybe I got it wrong and can actually be, I don't know normal I guess" I felt sad for Dylan why did being gay have to be such a problem?why couldn't the world just except it? Why was being gay not normal?
"Ok well do you have anybody in mind"
He smirks and lifts his head indicating there definitely is somebody.
"You've been holding out on me?!Dylan spill who is it?!"
"I'm pretty sure you don't know who it is and if you do it doesn't matter because I'm only gonna tell you who it is if it really get serious between us" I was really curious but I respect his privacy so I don't push the subject.
"I just asked her to hangout tonight hopefully she says yes" maybe this will help Dylan finally figure everything out so he doesn't have to be confused anymore. Dylan started grabbing his things and goes to my door.
"Where you going?" I thought I was driving him home.
"My mom just texted saying she's here sorry" he looked apologetic.
"No worries I'll see you later" I lie backdown on my bed and put the music up even louder. I shut my eyes and find myself face to face with Karter I quickly open my eyes and realize I'm gonna have a hard time sleeping tonight.

Karter's POV

It's 7:15 and I'm on my way to the mall to meet Dylan. I'm nervous not because of him but because I want this to work I want him to be so perfect, Dawson doesn't even cross my mind the way she is right now. My phone started ringing I pick it up already expecting Dylan.
"Hey I'm almost there" I say over the phone expecting to hear Dylan's voice.
"What I didn't know we where hanging out today" it was Dani on the phone not Dylan.
"Dani, hey thought you where someone else didn't read the caller ID"
"It's cool I was just calling to see if you wanted to hang out but it sounds like you have plans" oh shit I always tell Dani what I'm doing I can't believe I forgot.
"I was gonna call you after and tell you, I wanted to make sure it was good first" I sighed hoping she believed it.
"Ok tell me what" we'll I don't have to tell her everything I can just tell her about Dylan.
"I'm hanging out with a boy I met at the party tonight" I could hear her squeal over the phone.
"Really,!! I'm excited for you ok ok get off the phone with me have fun!!!" And just like that she hung up leaving me laughing in my car. I park and get out of the car to start walking to the entrance I pull out my phone to text Dylan but before I could somebody taps me on my shoulder I turn around to see Dylan standing there looking well, kinda perfect with a jaw line you could cut your finger on. He smiled contagiously making me grin. Maybe this could work.
"I haven't eaten in a while do you wanna get some food first" I hadn't realized till now but I was starving.
"Yes please" I say eagerly earning a chuckle from him. We walk into the food court looking for the best place to eat. Dylan grabs my hand as we walk towards a pizza place. His hand intertwined with mine didn't feel right, like we where both puzzle pieces that didn't quite fit together. I tried to ignore it but then I started to think about what holding hands with Dawson would feel like. I snapped my head out of it and went back to focusing on Dylan.
"Is pizza ok with you" he asks me.
"It's perfect" we order get our food and he lets my hand go to find us booth to sit. Once where both sitting and eating he tries to get a conversation going.
"So what school do you go to" he says going to take a bite of his pizza.
"I go to coral reef what about you" he made an 'oh' face.
"I guess we can't be friends" he chuckles to himself clearly being sarcastic.
"Why" I'm curious what does my school have anything to do wi.... shit he's from Vella how could I miss it I look at his hand and see a Vella wristband.
"I go to Vella high school I guess where sworn enemies" he says in a whisper like it's some big secret, that made me laugh. I never really cared about the rivalry I thought it was stupid but then again I'm not really a competitive person except when it comes to being on the field.
"I suppose we are but I won't tell if you don't" I put out my pinky to get him to pinky promise. He grins and copies me completing the pinky promise.
"My best friend would kill me for even talking to you" I guess his best friend takes the rivalry serious.
"Why?" I'm trying to keep the conversation going.
"Because she's crazy competitive and plays for the lacrosse team and well she hates any competition and coral reefs girl team is probably the most competition there is" oh shit that's just great his best friend is a girl on the lacrosse team I guess that's gonna be a bit of a problem. I think he could tell I was hiding something, probably from my reaction.
"What is it Karter, I was joking she's not that bad she won't hate you, oh and if your worried my best friends a girl don't worry she has a boyfriend for like 3 years now" he looked nervous.
"No it's not any of that it's um well I'm on coral reefs lacrosse team" his face dropped.
"Ok I lied I wasn't joking my best friend will probably hate you" he laughs at his own statement. For some reason I honestly don't care if his best friend likes me or not. Shouldn't I care?
We both finish eating and throw our trays out. We start walking around and end up going into a couple stores looking at clothes for each other. I wasn't gonna lie I'm actually having fun with Dylan but I don't think I'm attracted to him I like him more as a somebody that could become a great friend. He was a great listener as well. I talked to him about lacrosse and school my friends basically everything about me except the kiss with a girl. He talked about his life, about his school, and his relationship with his best friends D, and Valerie. Who both are unfortunately on the lacrosse team and Dylan himself is captain of the boys team. We find our way into a store called pacsun which is a super cute but super expensive store. I pick out a hoodie for him and he picks out a crop top hoodie for me. We both try them on and honestly we look amazing. We look like a bomb ass pair. Both of us fake posing together in the mirror
"You guys look cute" I turn around to see a pretty girl with long brown hair smiling at Dylan. I felt a little uncomfortable in this situation.
"Valerie what are you doing here" Dylan says surprised. Wait! This is Valerie one of the best friends that will probably hate me.
"Shopping just like you" she hugs Dylan and smiles at me.
"Oh um Val this is Karter I met her at the party yesterday" she smiles brightly at Dylan looking proud of him.
"Hey I'm Valerie, Dylan's best friend, well one of them anyway"  she looks really happy.
"So um Val, Karter here plays lacrosse" he said looking a little bit scared of her reaction. She didn't look fazed by what he said though.
"Oh really what school do you play for" I knew the moment I said which school she won't look so happy.
"I play for coral reef high" and just as I expected her entire attitude did a 180 turn.
"I'm sorry I thought I heard you say coral reef high" she was acting shocked.
"Ya I've played there for 2 years" She looked pissed "Dylan are you kidding right now" he looked at his feet. I felt extremely awkward I hate fights and this looked like it was about to turn into one.
"You know what I'm gonna leave cause I just got my nails done and today was a good day but Dylan this conversation isn't over" she turned to walk out but before she finally was out the store she looked straight at me
"Hey reef, see you on the field" she spit with venom my way.
"Maybe I should just go" he looked up from his feet to me.
"No don't go we were having fun" I felt bad but after that encounter I just wanted my bed.
"I know I had fun to, I'm just really tired , I'll text you I swear" I took off the hoodie and left the mall got to my car and left.
When I got home I went to my bed and laid  down with my thoughts. Dylan seemed like he could be allot of dram with his best friends and I'm not even sure I like him like that, actually I'm pretty sure I don't but maybe him and his drama is the perfect thing to get Dawson and the kiss out of my head.
Here's to hoping!

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