Chapter 8

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Roslyn's POV

My eyes fluttered as I stirred into consciousness. My head felt heavy and with the painful poundings which were giving me a massive headache like a freaking truck ran over my poor head. A low whimper escaped my lips as I tried to move my hands. Glad to know they were operational. Trying hard I managed to open my stubborn eyelids which were stuck together. My vision blurred and I blinked to adjust my eyes to the brightness. I felt groggy. Struggling with my heavy body I tried to get up but as the world started spinning I decided against it. I looked at my ankle to see it was bandaged. I moved it a bit and there was no pain. It was then I realized that I was no longer in my old cloth instead a freshly laundered shirt and large shorts was on my body. I shivered knowing that someone changed me in my comatose state. I looked sideways and faced a large glass window with sunrays piercing through it. It was either early morning or evening. The room I was in was larger than I was in previously, really large. After sometimes I tried gain but this time the spinning was less so I managed to stand up without kissing the floor face first.

With baby steps I walked to the window to peek outside and to my astonishment, vast ocean laid in front of me with the sun rising up just touching the waters. It was the prettiest sunrise I've ever seen. I was still admiring the view when I felt warmth on my back. My heart began racing madly and my breathed altered instantly. I was swirled around roughly and came face to face with a very familiar person; the same dark aura and power, Mr. King. My blood ran cold as a cold shiver ran down my spine and I froze with fear. I opened my mouth to scream but he beat me to it. He clasped my mouth and slammed my back to the glass window. I screamed, kicked and even tried to claw his hand but it seemed like nothing worked. His other hand moved up and I flinched thinking that he was going to beat me. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion but nonetheless ran his finger from my temple trailing down to my neck.

"Bellissima" He whispered as if he was in daze while I struggled damn hard but he was way too strong. My screams soon turned into whimpers as tears began stream down. His face saddened as he wiped my tears.

"Hey, hey.. shhh... its okay.. am not gonna hurt you Tesoro.. please don't cry.." He cooed but my cries intensified. This man's whole body screamed danger and being himself the most powerful man in this country didn't made calm. He could kill me and dump my poor carcass deep down the ocean and no one would even know.

"I said STOP CRYING!" He bellowed and instantly all my cries stopped fearing that he might hurt me on the spot. He closed his eyes and exhaled a big breath and then looked back at me. His face showed remorse.

"Look, am sorry.. ok? I'm going to remove my hand now and don't dare to make a single noise else it wont be good for you, understood?" I noded and he removed his hand as said but put his both hands besides me caging me between him and the window. I looked sideways to the window and got scared that if he applied more force, the window might break and I might fall to my death. Maybe that was his plan.

"Relax bambina. This glass is shatterproof." He said still staring right into my eyes. I think that the painkiller that I was probably given started to wear off because my injured ankle started to give me pain. I shifted all my weight on the healthy foot.

"I know it's happening too fast but believe me, you are safe here. No one will dare to hurt you. I know that you are not ready yet but it's ok. I will wait but don't make me wait for too long. I am a very impatient person. You are going to be here permanently so let me clarify you some important rules. First of all I don't like disobeyance. You are to obey everything I say. Second you are really thin for your age. I want you to have a healthy diet which is already planned; four meals per day and milk every night before going to bed. Third you are new here and not know around, a personal maid will be assigned to you so that you can roam around freely but don't even thing to escape which goes to my fourth rule. You tried to escape once and it didn't really end well" he pointed at my leg, "If I find you trying to escape once more there will be consequences. And I think you wont like it. Five, you are going to have a separate bedroom similar to this one for sometimes for you to be alone and think for our future but after that I will have you shifted he, in my bedroom. Do I make myself clear?"

I looked at him as if he had grown 5 heads. I don't know where all these courage came from but I was not going to live with him. I was definitely not going to live as his toy. Our future? What? He sure had his imagination stuck up far in his ass. Obey him? Who was he? My master? Roslyn Moretti has no master.!

"Why would you want me to live with you?"I whispered at first but then increased my tone. "why did you take me here? Far from my hometown? I don't want to be here. Not with you. You've probably been doing illegal things which makes you dangerous. What makes you think I am going to stay with you here and think about our future? I don't want to make a future with you? You want me to live as your toy? Obey you as a slave? That's not gonna happen anytime soon. You cant keep me here. The police will find me and you will go right in jail." I bursted but the only thing he did was a chuckle. He began smiling at me but something made me think that it was no on something funny.

"You really think that someone out there is going to save you? How naïve..Tesoro, no one knows where you are and its already been more than a week that you went missing and guess what? Its been proved that you are dead by your own coffee shop owner, Mr. James Owen. So.. no one is gonna find you because you are far from that country, you are in my land where not even a bird can enter without my permission. You, my darling, are in the most powerful man's land, Italy and you are never gonna even make it past my gate. This house is heavily guarded with men that wont hesitate to kill any suspicious thing and many trained Rottweilers. No one is allowed in my house without my approval and you, mia signora, have entered my heart. Just imagine how precious you are to me. I would kill for you to any extent. You are mine, mine only and I am yours. I will never lay my hand on you, never make you feel unimportant, always cherish you with all my heart.. you are only mine."

"No I am not! You cant keep me here" I started to panic. he cant keep me here.

"Of course I can bella. You are going to stay here with me. We are going to have a family together. But before that you have to bare my name. Congratulation Ms Roslyn Moretti, you are going to be" he came closer to my ear and whispered, "Mrs. Roslyn Alexander Gage King..."


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till then...

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