Chapter 5

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Roslyn POV

As ordered by James, I stayed at the back doing making coffee for the customers. It was already night time when I finish my report. James got a huge contract of organizing food for a charity event. I had just finished the samples and mailed it to him. This charity event was a bit strange as typically they are held in mid summers but in this winter? Weird. But who cares?

"Finished?" James head peaked from the threshold. I smiled and nodded at him. "I'm waiting for you downstairs." And he disappeared. Closing my laptop, I took my bag and headed downstairs. It was colder as the temperature dropped suddenly.

"Let's go." And we headed out of the café. I let out a heartily laugh when he told me that a girl had slapped Jonas butt while he was serving her. He squealed like a girl and was sulking throughout the afternoon.

"Oh shit! I forgot my keys upstairs. Wait I'll bring them." And he dashed off inside. It was really dark and the only light was the streetlights. I felt really chilly as Goosebumps rose all over my body. I clutched my coat tighter as my lips was threatening to quiver. I had the eerie feeling that I was being watched. I could literally feel a pair of eyes staring at me. Looking around my eyes landed on a dark vehicle that was parked right in front of me. It was just a vehicle I thought until my eyes landed on the driver which was under the light. My hands grew cold and I think my heart fell in my stomach. A cold sheet of sweat adorned my temple as I grasped who he was? It was the man James was protecting me from, the one on whose laps I fell, the unforgettable piercing eyes. A gasp further left my lips as I realized that he was staring right at me with a sinister smile plastered on his face.

"I got the keys, let- are you ok Rosie? You look all pale?" James asked worriedly. I shrugged it off and we went to his car, speeding off to my house. Looking at the side mirror I let out a breath of relief happy that he was not following. Maybe he was there for another person. As I reached home I bid James goodbye and watched as he drove off. I turned to my house and searched for my house keys. Finally getting them I entered the keys in the lock only for the door to open by itself. I had the keys so why my door would be opened? I smacked my head as I realized I must have forgotten to lock it properly while running out of the house due to being late to work. Laughing at my stupid brain, I entered the house. It was colder than the temperature outside. I tried on the lights but I seems that there was a power cut. Looking outside the whole neighborhood was drowned in darkness. Perfect! Now I will be freezing the whole night.

Dropping my bag down, I started looking for my phone when I heard a faint whispers in the kitchen that made me halt instantly and remained motionless. Upon hearing nothing for a moment I continued to look for my phone and finally found it. As I turned on the flashlight, a big, rough palm wrapped itself on my mouth. Another hand snaked around my waist and kept a tight grip. My blood ran cold as my heart start beating wildly. Out of instinct, I started to struggle only for the hand to be pressed down further. The palm covered not only my mouth but also my nose making it difficult to breathe. Still struggling I managed to bit the hand of my captor. 

The man hissed out of pain. The lights came back and I saw that he was not alone, there was another man that was emerging from the kitchen with a weirdly carved knife. I made a run to the stairs and upon reaching the top, I felt a hard blow on my cheeks that made me trip and I rolled down the stairs hitting my head pretty violently against the steps multiple of times. I landed down on my back and the world became blurry. My tongue tasted a metallic liquid and I felt warm fluid drenching my hair. Pain erupted from my leg as I let out a piercing scream hoping for the neighbors to hear my cry of distress.

"Shut her up!" a strong voice ordered and my mouth was gagged with a cloth. I lost all my strength and I felt my hands being tied behind my back and my legs also. I continued to cry and begged to be released but all came out in muffled sound. My heart hammered against my rib cage. I felt a prick on my arms and soon the world was fading away. I looked up through my teary eyes only to see a third person holding a gun in his hand and was looking at me before calling someone.

"Mission completed boss, we got the girl and we are heading back." He said still looking at me with a smirk that I wanted to so badly wipe it off. My head was becoming heavier as time passed. I was left with no strength to even move a finger as a wave of exhaustion crashed on me. Trying one last time I gathered all my strength and let out a final cry. He stood and crouched down beside me.

"Feisty one, aren't we?" he said while my eyes refused to close. "Sleep tight sweetheart, we got a long way to go." And he raised his hand and hit my with the butt of his gun, knocking me out cold.

Unknown POV

"Mission completed boss, we got the girl and we are heading back." And the call ended. A smile crept up my face as I swirled my glass of scotch, taking a sip and enjoying the night. Soon she will be here, with me, all for me...

Knock Knock!

"Come in."

"Sir, would you like to have dinner now?" my maid said, all trembling and head bowed in submission.

"Yes, I want it hot." I smirked, "and prepare the room, we are having a special guest coming soon."


Till then...

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