Chapter 26

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It was already the 24th of December. Snow was all over the place like a sheet. It was cold. And here I was, waiting patiently for the mafia lord to come back. It was now dusk. I was in the kitchen preparing myself a cup of hot milk when I heard the roaring of engines following by the main door opening. I knew he was back because the air around suddenly became cold.

A muscular arm snaked around my abdomen, and I was pulled back to a hard chest. My cup was removed from my hands, and I was roughly turned around, engulfed in his arms.

"I missed you Rosa..." he kissed my head and pulled me closer. "I'll take a shower then we'll go out for your party. Okay?" and I nodded my head in approval.

"Can we go alone?" I asked making my voice the tinniest possible. "I want to spend the Christmas with you."

"Sure sweetheart. Anything you say." He kissed my cheeks and went to his room.

Time for the plan to be executed. I drank half of the milk and pulled out the pills I had stolen from the cabinet. I drowned one and contemplated for a moment. He is a big man. One is not enough. So I put another one. This should be enough to knock him out for a good amount of time while I escape. It took him only 10 mins and he reappeared in front of me, looking fresh. Well.. soon he will looking like a sleeping pig.

"Shall we?" I nodded but the stopped and looked at him.

"I'm not able to finish this milk."

"Its okay, leave it." Oh no no no... not letting my plans fail this time.

"No. Its rude to leave food like this."

He took the cup and drank the remaining milk in one big gulp. Big mouth!

"Problem solved. Now can we go?" I gave a full smile at him and we went to the party.

Arriving there, I looked at the surrounding. It kind of looked like a fair which is damn good to lose track of someone. Now I just had to wait till the pills kick in. First, we went to buy some Christmas cookies. I took his hand and guided him to the big Christmas tree that was the centre of attraction. It was damn big. The was a choir of small kids singing the Christmas song and I hummed to the lyrics. I turned around to look at Alexander only to see him shaking his head off. Well, the effect started. Soon he will be out.

"What happened Alex?" I faked a concern not to daw any suspicion.

"I feel a bit tired and hazy." He said while he rubbed his face to shake off the feeling. Not today, Satan.

"Wait here, I'll buy some water for you." I said as I turned around only for my hand to be grabbed by him. Turning to face him, he looked at me.

"You don't have anything to do with this, right?" My heart almost came outside with terror from the look on his face. No! I cannot be weak now. It was time for me to go.

"Don't be an idiot. I'll bring the water." And I left him there, sitting on a bench while I tried to locate the exit way. After some times, I found it and was running to it. Only a few meters and I was gonna be free. I was finally gonna be in peace. I started running faster and just as I crossed the exit door, I was slammed by something big and muscular.

My body flew to the ground and as I looked up, my heart dropped to my stomach.

"I knew you were gonna run my little lamb." I looked at him in disbelief. What the F-!!

"I- I ..."

"Party's over honey." He said with a sinister smile which then became serious. "Let's go home. I have a surprise for you too. He pulled me to my feet and held both my hands with one of his and with he other, he took out his belt. I thought he was going to hit me with that and I started to break myself free from his grasp.

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