Chapter 15

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Violent contents ahead..


I watched as Orlando tried to wiggle out of his metal chains but with his left arm of no use, it as pointless to even think of it. I pulled a chair and sat across him with I signaled for Stefan to bring me the tool box. He laid the tools on the table and brought the latter at my reach. I began choosing my tools and I happened to pick up a pair of scissors. I looked at them and smirked to at him. He literally peed in his pants.

"Well Mr Smith, as I asked before, I want to know what you did to my Rose for her to be so terrified that she has frequent panic attacks. My poor Rose is suffering because of you and I bloody want to know the god damn reason!"

"I-I did n-not do any-thing.. forgi-give me.." he sputtered coughing out blood.

"Not the answer my ears wanted to hear." And I took his hand and chopped off his middle finger. His cries echoed throughout the whole cell as he cried like a lady in distress. F*cking p*ssy!

"Lets try again, shall we?" I took another finger in process and positioned my scissors around it. "what-did-you-do?" I asked painfully slow. He remained mum for a moment and I quickly grew impatient. I chopped another finger. His cries grew louder until his throat went sore. Blood was everywhere; splashed on my clothes and on the ground. This piece of shit was one of a stubborn guy. One by one, all his fingers were separated from his hands. He was a real mess by the time I finished. His level of consciousness was next to none. I signaled for and iced cold water to be thrown on him. He jolted up, eyes wide open.

"I have not finished with you yet." I set down the scissors and picked up a hammer this time along with a nail. I loved this one. I positioned the nail in his kneecap and stuck it there with the hammer. His cries were a real melody to my ears. I heard some steps and I saw the guards retreating their steps out of terror.

"was this worth the pain you actually gave to her? Did she cry like this too?" I asked nailing another nail in the other kneecap.

"Leave me! Let me GOOOOO!!!!!" he begged and god I like it when someone begs for mercy. Somehow my mind drifted to an imagination where Roslyn is under me begging for mercy while I do her rough. Junior Alex instantly agrees. Damn it! Only she can turn me on by the mere thoughts. I am soon brought back to reality when I heard something that caught my full attention.

"I am sorry!" he cried "please s-stop, I will tell y-you anything you w-want."

"well it took you ten fingers and two kneecaps to actually tell the truth. Brave man!" I sat back on my chair and waited for him to open his dirty mouth. Hardly had I know that the forthcoming words will make my demon resurface with full glory and anger...


Waking up, I felt rather refreshed. Looking at the clock that hung itself across the door, it was past 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Whoa, I did sleep for hours. Was I really that tired? I remembered the last thing before my mind went on sleep mode. His words of console. His promise to keep me safe. Now thinking about it, he never harmed me since I came in here, instead he ignored all my attempts to escape and didn't even get angry at me. Was he a psycho or was I thinking too much about it. I chose the latter.

He literally kidnapped me and it's a crime, a serious one, isn't it?

I put my feet in the warm plush carpet and I wriggled my toes. It felt really good. There was a dull ache in my ankle. I walked to the washroom and went to wash my face. As I rinsed it, I let out a shriek and I saw the reflection of Alexander in the mirror. He was so close to me that I could feel his breath on my skin causing Goosebumps. Too close.

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