Chapter 6

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Roslyn POV

The smell of urine, faeces and blood were the first thing to hit my nose. The smell was so repelling that I felt like removing everything from my stomach. A dull headache pounded lightly as I was becoming conscious. It was not that bad until the headache hit me with full blast. I groaned in pain and tried to open my eyelids which seemed not to obey their master that very moment. I tried to move my hands but they wouldn't. My whole body felt numb and I felt really weak. Suddenly everything happened the previous night came crashing to me. My house, the men, gun, OH shit!!! I am kidnapped.

Do not panic. Do not panic. Do not panic. Oh fuck this! I AM PANICKING!!!

Forcefully I managed to open my eyes. It was dark. I was on a cold ground. My hands were tied behind my back. One thing I realized; I was not going to get free anytime soon considering the situation I was in right now. The lights suddenly appeared. I blinked once, blurry sight. Twice? Blurry again. My vision was out-of-focus probable due to the fact I got hit with a gun on my head. At least I was still sane, that was a huge relief. I could make out the shape of a rather tall man sitting right in front of me. The walls were coated with red color, probably blood. And that made me gag. I blinked furiously to remove the cloudiness from my eyes successfully. What I saw clearly sent extreme chills through my body.

The wall was indeed spattered with blood and horrific scratches as if the person was desperately trying to be free. Another gasp left my mouth as I saw a table with various weapons exposed; from spiked whips to weird carved knives. I tried to set myself free but too avail. I was too weak. The feeling of helplessness engulfed my little heart and shook my whole body with tremor. Footsteps approached me and my hair was fisted in a tight painful grip and I was jerked up on my feet. Apparently I had lost my coat and the only clothing that was left was my beige dress. A loud cry left my lips at the pain I felt on my scalps.

"tsk tsk tsk.. So helpless.. So pure... Not for long..." the man said. "Let's make you an art piece." He said as he ripped off the only clothing I had leaving me with only my bra and panties. I start struggling only to have a hard stinging slap on my face and he dropped me roughly on the ground. I was still recovering from my harsh impact when all of a sudden I was hoisted up and hanging from the ceiling with my feet barely touching the ground. My wrist hurt as if they might get detached from my arms pretty soon.

"W-who a-are y-y-you?" I managed to say despite the throbbing pain my whole body was in. He just laughed at me.

"You have really no idea who I am?" He said. I could clearly see that he was enjoying my suffering. "You are really innocent. I finally got something that was his precious. After all these years trying to get him down, I finally got something that could make him go on his knees. I finally got his heart, tied up to the ceiling, naked and soon going to be my whore." He took one of the knives and came near me. He placed the tip of the knife on my temple making me flinch at its coldness and sharpness. He started trailing it down and cut the straps of my bra in process leaving me bare upper half.

"P-please leave m-me. I don't know w-who are you t-talking about?" I pleaded but it fell on deaf ears. I had never even imagined that my life would take such a dreadful turn. He began kissing my neck and proceeded to my chest as fear kicked in. Oh god.. please save me..


A loud crashing sound echoed throughout the whole area. And soon after gunshots were heard. The whole room shook with the amount of shooting that were happening outside.

"What is happening!!?" the man asked and other men that were around started running towards the door. Suddenly another booming sound was heard and the men at the door flew in air, dropping on the ground with deep wounds. The light went out with the effect of the blast. Many armed men swarmed inside the room. More gunshots were heard and I cried in terror. I was definitely going to die. I could see nothing at all except the flashed when the bullets were being fired. I could feel the ropes being tugged when they suddenly became loose. And I was again dropped on the floor harshly. Apparently they liked to throw girls on the floor. Sound like a bizarre fetish.

Gathering my strength I freed my wrists. Shakingly I stood up and upon making a step I lost my balance and an excruciating pain emerged from my right foot, first diagnosis most probably broken. A strong warm pair of hands wrapped themselves around my not so tiny waist and I was pulled in a hard rock chest with my back facing the owner of the hands.

"Well well little princess. What's the haste?" a voice that held ultimate power. It held extreme authority that a king possessed. A voice that made me want to crawl the deepest hole and never come out again. The light was back on and the scene in front of me that was portrayed made me nearly lost my sanity. The room was filled with big monster like men that held big guns that just the looks could made anyone fall on the knees and surrender their soul voluntarily. The man that had kidnapped me was on the floor with a big nasty wound on his upper legs and blood was oozing profusely. I lost the last piece of calmness I was holding on to. Adrenaline surged through me.

I let out a loud high-pitched cry before forcefully struggling in the arm I was trapped in, not that it affected the person holding me. After some moments it seemed like my new captor was tired of holding me. A wet cloth was placed on my face covering my nose and mouth. I saw many movies to make me realize that he wanted to drug me. So instinctively I held in my breath and started writhing and flexing my legs out hoping to be set free but all my attempts were futile. I twisted frantically trying to fight off the drug but it was too strong and the fitted clasp was not helping. Trust me.

"Give up princess." the voice again whispered again sending tingling sensation throughout my body. Not able to hold my breath any longer, I drew in a large intake of air and the drug took effect almost instantly. I started breathing heavily trying to force words out of my mouth and all together drew in more of the drug. Letting out a whimper I tried hard to get out of his vice like grip but my hands were no match compared to him. I was losing all the control of my body. My bones and muscles refused to obey with me. Damn them! I fought hard to oppose the drugs but it seemed like it already went into my blood.

"N-No..." I whimpered again as my eyelids threatened to shut as they weights like tons.

"Stop fighting the drug princess, you've already lost." He said but the drug was a lot stronger than me. My eyelids dropped shut and my body went limp. Soon the dull voices in the background shut off completely and I was drowned in oblivion. Let's just pray that I find heaven on my awake...



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