Chapter 3

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Roslyn POV

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Ring! Ring! RING!!!

"What the f*ck" I groaned as my stupid phone refused to stay quiet on a Sunday morning. Damn the one who's calling this early morning. I squinted my eyes at the brightness of my phone. James was calling. Who the hell gave him sim card?

"The number you are trying to reach is currently swi-"I started when he cut me off.

"Save me from this crisis Rosie, please. I'm begging you!" he sounded desperate on the phone. Who stole his panties at night?

"Don't wake me up until there is a zombie invasion on earth Jamie. It's Sunday for god sake! Normal people tend to sleep at f*cking 6 am!!"I yawned.

"Mary Berry called in sick today. She is having acute gastritis. I can't have a walking patient serving in my café, can I?" he said "Just fill in for her for today. Double pay plus a refund off. Deal?"

"Fine, but am out as soon as the café closes." I said, sitting on my bed, looking like a caterpillar as I was wrapped in my comfortable blanket. Damn winter!

"Deal! Love you Rosie!" he chirped before hanging up. Time to save his as now. I lazily got out of bed and did my toiletries. Why do they call it 'beauty sleep' when you wake up looking like a troll!? I was about to enter the kitchen for a breakfast when my eyes landed on the big clock. It was already 7.45 am. Well well well... I was LATE! SUPER LATE! I rushed out of the house locking the door behind me as I hailed a taxi. I was dropped off near the café and I rushed to it. I was shivering with the cold air that blasted throughout the city.

"Good morning Roselyn!" Ms. Bethany, the florist on the other side of the road called. I waved her and greeted back. I was still looking her while rushing when I collided violently with someone. I lost my balance and landed on my back with the person on top of me. He bloody broke my ribs I think! He stood up while I struggled a bit. Thanks to the skipped dinner last night and the skipped breakfast today. My knees was paining and I saw my hoodie around my left arm started to get crimson. I was sure to be injured. Finally succeeding I looked at the person I collided with. Wow!

Tall guy, tanned skin, well built up body to drool on, sparkling smoky eyes that looked at me with scrutiny. He stood there for a moment while I thought he would apologize but none of that happened. Well as predicted I lost it.

"Why on earth would you stand on the way of people?" I lashed at him while inspecting other body parts.

"What the f*ck are you talking about?" he replied with the same tone I used. Copycat bitch!

"You see buddy, people actually get in a hurry in the morning due to unplanned shits. Better watch out for them before getting your manicured nails broken and sun kissed skin bruised." I mentally high five myself that I didn't bury him right then and there. Progressing here, isn't it?

"You litt-"he was cut off by someone calling 'Steve'. Well I had no time to deal with this Barbie right now as my priority was to land at the café before 8 am. So I dashed to the café. I don't let idiots ruin my day.

"Finally you're here!" James exclaimed. Due to unfortunate circumstances yeah. He shooed me to the changing room. Luckily he had a spare uniform of the waitress. And it fitted perfectly.

"Are you sure about this James, I mean you know I have no experience about being a waitress. What if I screw it up?" my hands were sweating with anxiousness. For heaven sake! I was a barista! Not a waitress. I was barely even able to hold the tray on my palm. I was going to make mistakes over mistakes today. Marry berry you are going to pay me back with interest when you resume working.

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