Chapter 21

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"What do you mean by that?" I whimpered as I scooted back on the bed, trying futilely to create distance between us.

"Come on baby, no need to act so innocent now." He said as he approached the bed while taking his coat off, his smile not wavering at all as his eyes bored into mine. "Don't forget that the life of the rest of them is still in my hands, one call and they all die."

"F*ck you!" I grabbed the bed side table lamp and flung it at him. The latter hit him on the bead and it started to bleed. 

Too bad he didn't die!

"What the heck?" he grabbed his head in pain and stared at me. I took the moment to run but he was far more quick. As soon as I reached the door, he grabbed my hair and pulled me to him. My back crashed on to his chest as he pulled my hands behind my back with one of his hands and with the other one grabbed my throat, tilting my head back on to his shoulder.

 My back crashed on to his chest as he pulled my hands behind my back with one of his hands and with the other one grabbed my throat, tilting my head back on to his shoulder

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"You are really testing my patience here Rosa." He hissed harshly in my ear as his grip on my throat tightened. "Why do you have to be so difficult?"

"B-because you are a monster! You are a murderer. You don't even deserve a life, let alone a love life! You can't love someone when your heart is as cold as ice!"

He chuckled at my reply and trust me when I say I was terrified of the forthcoming moments.

"How about I show you how much I can love someone who has made a permanent residence in my heart?" he turned me around harshly and pulled me to him, leaving no space between us. 

"How can someone like you talk about love when you don't even blink after taking someone's life. This thing that you are calling love, I call it obsession. Once you are over it, I will end up in a body bag at the junkyard. You can't love me because you are incapable of doing so."

"Don't tempt me if you can't handle it piccola (babe). I won't hesitate to show it to you."

"You can't-" His lips smashed on mine. Refusing to give in, he picked me up and threw me inhospitably on the bed. I scooted back only for him to grab my leg and pulled me down.

"Where do you thing you are going baby, the night has just started, won't you want to make it colorful?"

"No!" I thrashed around but he managed to secure my hands on top of my head with his fucking tie and he straddled me. I tried to free my hands but the knots would just not budge. The pain on my wrist were still there, reminding me of the cuffs.

 The pain on my wrist were still there, reminding me of the cuffs

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