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So...I just found out when I re-posted this book from Tumblr, I didn't include THIS CHAPTER. I'm sorry, guys! Here it is, enjoy! 😂 - Allie.


It had been a rough day for Harry. 

He had to spend an entire afternoon in the library revising for this course he hated, then spent another two hours at the gym before taking a long bus ride home, because his car had broken down. When he got off the bus, he just couldn't wait to see his flatmate and complain about his day. However, the first person he saw in his flat wasn't Y/N, but a stranger sitting on his sofa, drinking from his favorite cup!

"Harry, you're home!" Y/N walked out from the kitchen with a big smile on her face. Without further ado, this guy stood up and rushed towards Harry, who still hadn't recovered from shock. He shook Harry's hand as if the two of them had known each other forever. Needless to say, Harry already hated him.

"You must be Y/N's flatmate. Nice to meet you!"

Instead of returning the smile, Harry turned to Y/N, who could obviously see the awkwardness between the two. Quickly, she stepped forward. "Will, this is Harry. Harry, this is Will, an old friend of mine."

"Ex-boyfriend, actually."

"Ex-boyfriend?!" Harry blinked fast, his eyes bulging with surprise. He waited for Y/N to laugh it off and tell him it was only a joke, and this guy right here was only her cousin or something. But sadly, she nodded her head to confirm it was true. 

Will was her ex-boyfriend.

She had never talked about her past relationships, so he had always thought she'd never been in one, and possibly still a virgin. But now that he knew she had an ex-boyfriend, who, unfortunately, looked...not so bad, and was here in person, he saw himself falling to the pit of emotional distress.

"We dated for almost two years in high school." The smug on Will's face at this moment irritated Harry to the core. Nobody asked you, you prick, mocked the voice inside Harry's head as he nodded, not so sure if it was a response to Will or to himself.

"We ran into each other when I stopped by the coffee shop. What a lovely coincidence!"

As soon as Harry heard that, he wanted nothing more than to punch himself in the face. It was all his fault! Had he not asked her to buy him coffee on her way back from campus, she wouldn't have run into her ex. And Will wouldn't have ended up here, in their flat, drinking from his cup, spending time with his flatmate. Who knew what else could've happened if he hadn't got back early? The thought made his blood boil.

"So when are you leaving?"


"What?" He gave her a shrug. "Will can come over another time." Preferably never again. "It's late and we have dinner to make."

"Would you like to stay for dinner Will?"

"Yes!" — "No!" Will and Harry said in parallel, then instantly faced each other to exchange hostile stares. Out of the corner of Harry's eyes, he could see Y/N with her arms crossed, obviously not very pleased by his behavior towards her guest. He didn't give a damn though. All that he cared about was how to get rid of Will as fast as possible.

He knew he was selfish. He wanted to be the only one she cooked dinner with, the only one she told boring stories about her day to. But there was more than just him not wanting to 'share' her. It was also the way Will was looking at Y/N. It was the same way Harry would look at a potential fuck. So he didn't care what history Y/N had with this guy, his job was to protect her at all cost.

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