Open Book

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Y/N is one of the few people left in the library tonight. There's an exam coming up so she plans to stay here until closing hour. Despite trying to focus on her text book, Y/N can't help but notice the guy sitting two tables away has been staring at her ever since she sat down. He looks away whenever their eyes meet, it's very obvious, but Y/N doesn't care. She just wants to finish this chapter then comes home to call Harry.

It's 8PM now, the library is closed so Y/N has to leave. She makes her way to the bus stop on her own, subconsciously thinking about Harry like she always does, until her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of someone else's footsteps.

She's not alone.

There's this middle-aged man walking behind her. She speeds up, he speeds up, she slows down, he slows down. Y/N's first thought is maybe she should call Harry, but then she remembers he's living on the other side of the world now, he cannot be here to save her.


Y/N spins around immediately. Her eyes flicker with a light of hope when she sees the boy in the library walking towards her. The middle-aged man notices as well, then ends up quickly walking away. He cannot do anything to her now that a tall and strong young man suddenly appears.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know who you are and how you know my name but thank you for saving my life," she says quickly in one breath, which makes the guy laugh in response.

"You left your notebook behind, your name was on it," he tells her with a gentle smile and returns the notebook to its rightful owner. "That man was such a creep. Why are you walking home alone at night?"

"It's okay, I do it all the time," she assures him, but he shakes his head to disagree.

"You shouldn't. To be honest I used the notebook as an excuse to talk to you but I'm glad I'd showed up before anything bad happened."

Y/N is rooted to her spot for a brief moment, eyes wide, mouth agape, astounded. She's not sure what to say after hearing that, being flirted with by a stranger is never her speciality.

"I—um...I've got a boyfriend," she blurts out. The look on his face after that makes her cheeks turn red. "God, I'm sorry, I can't believe I just assumed you were flirting I—"

"I was."


"I was," he repeats with a slight chuckle at her cute reaction. "But don't worry, I respect that. I can't say I'm not disappointed but it's fine if you're taken."

"Thanks." Thanks? Y/N's inner self rolls her eyes, wondering why the hell would she even say something so dumb. "I should get going now."

"Where do you live? I'll drive you home."

Y/N gives the boy a funny look as she reaches out to put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't offer a stranger a ride! I could be a psychopath!"

"Well." He shrugs. "What are the chances that we're both psychopaths?"

"You expect me to get in the same car with you after that?" She squints her eyes at him, smiling a little bit.

As if just waiting for that, the guy takes out his ID from his wallet then hands it to her, trying not to laugh when he sees how surprised she is.

"You can take a photo of my ID and send it to any of your friends, maybe your boyfriend, so if something happens to you I'll take full responsibility."

"Wow, okay, I believe you, Ethan." She reads the information on the card before putting it into the pocket of her jacket. "But...I'm keeping this until I get home safe."

FLATMATE // Harry StylesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon