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Harry was making his brunch in the kitchen when he heard his flatmate's voice echoing in the hallway. Apparently, Y/N had just come back from the ten o'clock class which he also had to attend, but this morning he overslept and decided not to show up at all.

He did find it weird that she was having a conversation with someone in the hallway, if not with herself (then it'd be kind of creepy). She had never socialized with any of their neighbors before since the people around here weren't that friendly. Curious, Harry had to walk out to see who it was, just in time Y/N closed the front door on her way in.

"Oh, you're up early," she said while kicking off her shoes. The sarcasm made Harry roll his eyes but he had seen it coming.

"Did the professor check for attendance?" He asked.

"Nope. But if you want to pass this subject, I recommend you attend the classes."

"I never fail, okay? Failing is not for me," Harry said with a slice of bread in his mouth, and heard the girl mumble something about how impressed she was. But this time he wasn't sure if it was also sarcasm.

Leaning one shoulder against the kitchen doorway, he watched her throw herself on their sofa, subconsciously smiling for no particular reason, none that he knew of. So he assumed it had something to do with her conversation earlier, and asked her who she was talking to.

Y/N's face almost lit up, as if she'd been waiting for him to ask that question ever since she walked in, just so she could rant about what just happened.

"Oh, didn't you know?" She said. "We've got a new neighbor."

Harry took another bite of his sandwich to continue speaking with his mouth full, "someone finally moved into the flat next door? Isn't that place haunted or something?"

"How many times do I have to tell you that Mrs. Benson only moved away? She didn't die."

"That's what they wanted us to believe," Harry said with certainty, only to receive a facepalm from Y/N as a reaction.

"So what's with the new neighbor then?" He switched back to their initial topic, and Y/N didn't even hesitate when she frankly told him, "he's hot."

Those two words nearly had Harry choke on his sandwich, which he was glad didn't happen, because there was no way he could die before seeing this guy next door that she thought was hot. He couldn't come up with anything to reply to her, and apparently, he didn't even have to. The look on his face had already done the job.

"What?" Y/N snorted. "You're allowed to say that about a girl, and when I say that about a guy, I'm a horrible person?"

Harry didn't get why she could even come up with that comparison. It was normal for him to come back from the gym and tell her about the hot girl he had just met. He did it all the time. But this was actually the first time he'd ever heard her call someone hot. Someone not him. So yes, Harry was offended.

"Whatever," he said, trying to act normal and cool, anything but intimidated. "I bet he's not that hot."

Unfortunately for Harry, he was that hot.

Harry saw him for the first time in the evening when Y/N told him to take out the trash. Though the two men didn't exchange a verbal conversation or make eye-contact, Harry still remembered his face. He looked more mature than Harry, which made sense because he was around five years older. The guy was tall and tanned. He had a defined and structured face, dark hair pushed back, blue eyes. No wonder he was a part-time model. But what made him more than just a handsome face was that, he was also a lawyer, and he was living alone.

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