New Girl

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"The challenges in managing information technology infrastructure..." Y/N mumbled the words on the textbook page. Her head was in her hand, a pencil tucked behind her ear and a pair of reading glasses in her hair. Her concentration made it seem like she'd had everything under control when in reality, she was struggling so hard.

The poor girl had been sitting in the library and studying for four hours now, yet she was still completely lost. The exam was coming close and Y/N hated to admit that she wasn't as smart as she thought she was. She might have her strengths, but Business Informatics wasn't one, and if she failed this course she would have to retake the exam next semester. So she'd rather die while trying to pass than spend a couple more months with that boring professor.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

Y/N fell back to reality when she heard that unfamiliar voice and looked up to find a pretty girl smiling at her. No one had ever come to her in public and start a conversation before so she was a bit taken aback when receiving the friendly smile from this beautiful stranger. The girl with exotic blue-dyed hair sat down on the other side of the library desk, facing a very confused Y/N.

"Ugh. Sorry, did I make too much noise? I had to read the words out in order to remember them," Y/N explained as she looked around to make sure she hadn't bothered anyone else, but that might not be the reason otherwise the blue-haired stranger wouldn't have come sit next to her.

She told Y/N her name was Mia, she had just come back from a gap year and Business Informatics was actually the first class she took of that semester. It was only then that Y/N remembered why she'd had a feeling that they'd met before. Mia was sitting right behind her in that class and was the one who knew the answer to every single question the professor had asked them.

"I just noticed that you'd been struggling with the revision," she told Y/N with a bright smile, showing her pearly white teeth. "Do you need any help? I can totally help you study for the exam. I mean...if you want."

"I do! I definitely want that!" Y/N exclaimed a bit too loud and got scolded by the librarian but she didn't care, she was too elated to care.

She didn't have any close friends in university, and even though she enjoyed the solitude from being the most introverted person she knew in this entire world, Y/N guessed it was necessary to have at least one friend you could turn to at times like this. So what could be better than her passing this exam and gaining a good friend like Mia? She'd just killed two birds with one stone!




They began their study session right in the afternoon. At first, Y/N suggested going to Mia's place because she didn't want her new friend to meet her annoying flatmate. However, Mia said she lived at the dorm and had to share a room with a rock addict who blasted loud music 24/7, which left them both no choice but to go back to Y/N's flat. And poor Y/N could only hope that Harry wouldn't come back too soon.

"Don't worry, my flatmate is at a party," Y/N reassured the new girl as she noticed the way her friend was looking around the living room as if searching for somebody. "He'll be back very late...if at all."


"Yeah. He. But we're not exactly friends," Y/N said, shaking her head as soon as she saw the look on Mia's face and decided that it was best not to confuse the poor girl. "I'll tell you about it some other time. Now we should get started."

"Oh okay," Mia agreed, shifting to get comfortable on the couch as she opened her textbook.

However, the girls had only been studying for an hour and a half when her flatmate came back unannounced. Y/N's head immediately shot to the door as she heard the sound of it unlocked and all of a sudden burst in a frantic Harry.

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