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Hey everyone! I hope you're all ready for this next chapter! Enjoy!


Normal pov

The ship began to move as Sakura took a deep breath of the sea, smiling happily as the wind had blew through her hair. It had been awhile since she saw the sea, that's when she was still 6 years old and Toph was only 2. She could remember how she played in the sand with Toph, though was really careful with her, how their mother had gotten them some drinks to cool down because of the heat, and how their father had played with them. But those days were over when they grew older, their parents never arranged another trip again, and they never went to the beach again. Though Sakura begin to wonder how her parents are doing, but shook it off and continued watch the water as it splashes against one another. The air was so calming and the fresh water of the sea looked so cold and nice, it tempted her to jump in. As she enjoyed her view, Iroh and Zuko walked towards her before standing on each side of her, and nobody said a word at first. Iroh released a sigh before he began to speak.

"Who would've thought after all these years, I'll return to the scene of my greatest military disgrace... as a tourist~!"

Sakura giggled, while Zuko scoffed, he was not amused by his uncle, though he enjoyed Sakura's giggles a lot. But he shook it off on spoke.

"Look around, we're not tourists, we're refugees."

"It's not going to be that bad, sure, there will be a lot of rules to follow, and we don't know how long we'll be living there. But look on the bright side, we'll learn new thing, meet new people, and get to have fun! Who knows, maybe you'll grow find of that place over time."

"That's the spirit!"

"I wouldn't count on it to like living there."

Sakura pouted at Zuko's lack of spirit while Iroh only smiled at her childishness. Zuko only rolled his eyes, though admitted to himself that she looks rather adorable before taking a sip of his soup. Though when he did, he spit it out quickly in disgust and began to complain angrily.

"I'm sick of eating rotten food, sleeping in the dirt. I'm tired of living like this."

"Aren't we all?"

Sakura turned her head towards the person who spoke, and saw it was a boy who had a weat in his mouth as he grinned. She had a cautious feeling about this guy, though she only smiled and listened as the guy introduce himself along with two others.

"My name is Jet, and these are my freedom fighters, Smilerbee and Longshot."


"... Hello."

"Hi! Nice to meet you all, my name is Sakura, and these are my friends, Kakashi and Li."

Jet nod his head as Smilerbee and Longshot stared at her, and she new exactly what they are thinking. It rather annoyed her that people didn't mind their own business when it comes to people like her. She sighed and spoke to them.

"If you want to know if my hear colour is natural, then yes, it is."

"... That common huh?"

"You have no idea. So is there something you want?"

"Yes. I have a deal. I heard that the captain is eating like a king while we refugees has to feed off these scraps, doesn't seem fair does it?"

"What sort of king does he eat like?"

"The fat-happy kind."

With that said Iroh drooled, making Sakura giggle at his goofy reaction, though was a lot in thought like Zuko after Jet asked if they could help "liberate" some food. It is true what Jet said, it's unfair that the captain eats like a king while they have to eat like dogs. She then stepped forward and answered.

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