Stalking encounter

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Hey hey hey my dear viewers! Hope you're all ready for this next chapter! Sorry it took almost forever to swing by this story. Anyway enjoy!


Normal pov

The next day came, and Sakura was enjoying her walk through the crowds with Zuko and Iroh. It's been awhile since she was in such a busy street, it made her smile as the sound of people echoed in her ears. Zuko on the other hand was not so fond to walk through the crowds, but with Sakura there he didn't complain. He had realized last night that he had formed feelings for her, but he kept it to himself since he was afraid that she doesn't feel the same. As they were walking peacefully through the crowds, Iroh had appeared next to them with a pot full of flowers, making Sakura raise a confused eyebrow while Zuko glared at him.

"Just thought to make our place look nice, in case someone brings home a lady friend~! Though, I guess we already have one~."

Zuko turned red and began to walk faster, mumbling something under his breath that even Sakura couldn't here what he was saying. Though she giggled at Zuko's embarrassment, but did blushed a little at Iroh's speech. Iroh then mentioned he had gotten them a job, and after a few more minutes, when finding out what kind of job it was, Sakura giggled historically while Zuko looked absolutely pissed. Right now all three of them were standing in a tea shop and was wearing aprons, well Iroh was actually struggling to tie his strings behind his back. Their new manager stood in front of them with a blank expression for a few seconds, but then he spoke up.

"Well you three sort of look like tea servers, mostly the girl though, how do you feel?"

"I feel ridiculous."

"Maa, I feel fine."

"... Uhhh does this comes to a larger size?"

"I actually have some extra strings at the back, have some tea while you wait."

With that their manager poured them some tea and gave the cups, then he left them to find Iroh some strings for his apron. Iroh smiled and begin to drink his tea, but then made a disgust face before pulling the cup back and glared at it.

"This is nothing but hot leave juice!"

"... Uncle, that's what all tea is."

Iroh had gaped at his nephew while Sakura rolled her eyes in amusement, but then giggled as Iroh began to complain how horrible a family member can say something bad about tea. Iroh grabbed the kettle and walked straight towards the window while he declared that there will be changes before throwing the liquid out. Just the corner of her eye, Sakura saw that someone was hiding by the window, before disappearing as Iroh had thrown out the tea. She narrowed her eyes, but said nothing as their manager came back with a extra string.


"Please come again soon, we were grateful to have you here."

Sakura smiled cheerfully before bowing at her customer, and said customer was smiling before exiting the shop. It was the second day of their job, and the manager was quite pleased by her politeness, as well as Iroh's tea he had made. He was still uncertain about Zuko, since the evidence on his face showed that he wasn't very fond of talking and fake smiling at the customers. But as long as they bring him money, he guess that it was okay, though he was more than happy when he noticed customers mostly comes to see Sakura because of her beauty, unusual pink hair and kindness.

"Sakura how can you stand these people, especially when they're being rude."

"I just suck it up, just being grateful to actually have something either than sleeping or begging like a dog in the streets."

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