The rescue

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Are you all excited what's going to happen next? I hope you are because this is going to be a long chapter. Enjoy!


"Toph, can you please stop sulking? It's getting on my nerves."

"Sakura, he cheated!"

"Technically, he didn't, Aang, who happens to be the Avatar, is not an earthbender yet, so it sort of count using his airbending."

"Twinkle toes is the Avatar? Great."

Sakura rolled her eyes and sighed as she climbed in her bed, ignoring her sister when she stretched and yawned. Tonight was fun and interesting, but in the end, she had to listen to Toph's sulking. Though, Sakura had a feeling they'll be seeing the Avatar and his friends again, but for now, she'll be waiting and resting.

"Toph, tomorrow I'll be teaching you metalbening anyway. Sounds good?"

"... Thanks Sakura, I'd like that."

"Goodnight then Toph."

"Goodnight Sakura."

Toph smiled as she fell asleep, though Sakura stayed awake, staring outside the window. She had insisted that she'll sleep by the windows, coming up with an excuse that made Toph punch her when they were left alone. Releasing a sigh, Sakura looked at the stars, wondering right now what her old teammates are doing right now. She admits that she misses her old life as a kunoichi and the best medic in the world, far greater then the Fith Hokage. Lucky for her, the Spirits were kind enough to let her keep her healing ability, making everyone believe that she was touched by them. The only one who knows about her past life is Toph, and her little sister thought it was very cool to be reborn. Shaking her head a little, Sakura snuggled into her bed and eventually fell asleep.


' This is rather unexpected, I knew we'll see the Avatar again, but I didn't think they would sneak in here.'

Sakura had been busy teaching Toph how to metalbend without anyone knowing, and Toph had jumped for joy when she did it. But then, her face had a frown before she had stomped off, and Sakura followed her to see what was wrong. Toph then had stomped her one foot, and later heard 3 screams high in the sky, and it became louder once it got closer. Three figures was then revealed, Aang, Katara, and Sokka, though the Avatar and the girl landed in the bushes while the other boy landed hard on the ground. Right now Sakura was crossing her arms while tapping her one foot, sending a stern look towards their direction, and Toph scolded them.

"What are you doing here Twinkle toes?"

"How did you know it was me?"

"She can use her earthbending to "see" by feeling the vibrations, easily identifying everything. Now answer my sister, what are you doing here?"

Aang began to explain about a crazy Earth King that told him he needed a master who waits and listens before striking. Then he had said while they were trapped in a swamp, he had a vision about a blind girl wearing a dress with a pet flying boar. Toph made a face while Sakura had popped a vein, getting annoyed that instead of answering, he told a story, it was givingher a headache. Luckily, Katara interrupted him explained in nice, short lines.

"What Aang's trying to say, he's the Avatar-"

"We already know, his tattoos are evidence that he is. And he needs an earthbending teacher right? To defeat the Fire Lord?"

"W-will, yeah."

"Not my problem."

"Actually Toph, a word please."

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