Chapter 1

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A Man at Sea

Chapter 1

They were to be at sea for 51 days before they expected to reach new land. The Captain, Alvaro Silva, had enlisted 18 men to live in close quarters with one another for the sake of adventure and glory for their country. Eneas was among these men, and when he first stepped on board the Lynx, he realized that he was by far the most delicate and fair of the crew. As crew members began to haul their few belongings up the ramp to the ship, Eneas couldn't help but take in the size of the muscles that wrapped around their bodies. Very quickly he began to realize the Captain's reason for hiring him as their cook. It seemed cooking was the only job on this ship he might truly be capable of.

It took some time to get to know the men, but the role of the cook meant that he was always present during the liveliest conversations. There were a few he was fond of straight away, Lucas and Jacinto. The two men were friends before they had arrived on board and were charismatic enough to welcome others into their friendship, their jokes, and their stories. Lucas was more slight than Jacinto with a giddy laugh that nearly rocked his body off of his stool at meal times. Beside him, Jacinto was a hulking presence, yet possessed the kindest smile and the quietest laugh. Then, there was Martim who seemed to have only made friends with Eneas because he had no one else to talk to. The man seemed silent everywhere else on the ship except for the mess hall, where he badgered Eneas with stories of his wife back in Lisbon. After only the first three meals, Eneas could tell that Martim was going to be a thorn in his side, but out of sheer politeness decided to give in to his ramblings.

It was strange to be part of this community of men, most of them bright-eyed and optimistic about their journey. Perhaps they had to be bright-eyed in the face of such danger--how else could one convince themselves to prepare for such a daring journey? Through their laughter and song, Eneas began to wonder if he was the only man who had signed aboard the Lynx out of sheer desperation, hoping to escape life in Lisbon for a while.

They were told there would be gold in India, the destination of their compact caravel ship. They were told that they would have a percent of the profits, a promise that made it worth risking their lives. For most of them, gold in India was the last hope they were clinging to.

"Just think of the gold we'll find," Martim said. "Think of the looks on our wives faces when we return with sacks of coin."

He leaned against the small kitchen counter as Eneas and his assistant, Jon, prepared vegetables for that night's dinner. The first meal, Eneas realized, would be the freshest they would have for quite some time. He wondered how vicious the men would turn when his pantry began to fade. "That is where you and I differ, sir," Eneas said. "I don't have a wife to come back to. But if I did, I should be worried about her while I am away. What money will she have?"

Martim's face turned pale and he looked down at the squealing floorboards beneath his feet as if willing the waves to turn them back. "Well, we agreed she would stay with her father if she needs to. I-I left her with all my savings," he said.

Eneas shrugged and then sliced down the middle of a yellow pepper. "I was not trying to make you feel guilty for leaving," he said. "Only commending a woman who could live without her husband for so long. The life of a seemingly unmarried woman is not easy, so I'm told."

"But she is not unmarried," Martim protested. "And besides, I'll be home soon enough."

"We're barely even out of port," Jon sneered. He was a young boy of sixteen who always seemed to be adjusting the black ponytail that sat at the nape of his neck. "I've seen ships of this kind before--I've certainly never been so far as India--but it is always the most optimistic who tend to collapse first." Cruelly, he winked across the counter at broad-shouldered Martim.

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