Chapter 10

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They were due to stop at an island. As much as Eneas loved the close-knit aspect of sailing, he loved even more the reprieve of seeing land for the first time in weeks. This particular island had been charted before, which Eduardo announced to the crew as it came into sight. Other sailors had stopped here and said it's people were kind and hospitable. He even had a few words of their language written down in a book.

The Captain, who Eneas had not spoken much to, descended from the ship once they landed. They expected to find the island's people, but strangely none were there. So the men set up fires and huddled around them, sharing stories and songs. A few of them took coconuts from the trees, drilled holes into them for their water. Others drank whiskey and rum.

Eneas had a few swigs of everything, so that by the time Jacinto approached him and asked to go for a walk, he was swaying when he stood up. As they strolled down the beach, they spoke of many things. The strangeness of travel. The vastness of the globe. The uncertainty of their journey. Until they found a fallen coconut tree to sit on and watch the waves. Then, the conversation took a different turn.

"I wanted to ask you something," Jacinto said. "It's been on my mind for quite some time, but I didn't want to ask it for a while."

The rum hadn't worn off, and Eneas found himself struggling to follow. "What do you mean?"

"That night, in the storm," Jacinto said. "When I--discovered your secret."

"Oh, yes," Eneas said. "That night."

Jacinto inched closer to him so that their thighs touched. As drunk as Eneas was, he had a clear sense of what was going through Jacinto's head. He could feel his own heart begin racing, but he didn't dare get his hopes up too quickly.

"I found myself," Jacinto rested his hands nervously in his lap. "Wondering what it would be like to court you."

Eneas felt a wash of sobriety as his legs spread open a little wider in lust. Was Jacinto really saying what he thought he was? And to say it in such a way, what a peculiar sailor indeed! He was no lady who needed a formal courtship ritual. In fact, he didn't need much coaxing at all to mount a man that he found so incredibly attractive.

"I didn't want to say anything," Jacinto said. "Because I didn't want you to think that I was only saying such a thing because--well, because--of your--"

"Vagina?" Eneas asked with a smirk.

"Body, yes, uh," Jacinto was clearly flustered. "I knew if I asked this question too soon, it would appear as though I were only courting you for your body. But you are such a kind soul, too, I like to think we were friends before I knew the thing which you prefer to keep secret."

"We are friends," Eneas said. He daringly rested a hand on Jacinto's thigh, then quickly removed it. "I've always thought you were a kind soul too."

"Thank you," Jacinto said. He gave a little sigh of relief that made Eneas' heart soar. "I knew, this morning, when Eduardo was describing the inhabitants of this island. All of the men were talking about what they would do if they could get their hands on a woman again. And I realized that even if I found a woman on this island, I think I would prefer to be with you."

"Oh," Eneas blushed, speechless.

"I'm sorry if that was too much to say," Jacinto said.

"No," Eneas said. A man had never spoken to him this way before. Not only was Jacinto kind, but he understood what it was to be in Eneas' position. Before speaking to him, he had carefully considered his words. He hadn't thrust himself on him like Jon, or Matim, not that Eneas minded their approaches all that much. "In fact," Eneas said. "I'm quite glad that you said it."

There was silence for a moment, only the crashing of waves between them.

Then Eneas asked, "What exactly do you mean by courtship?"

"Oh," Jacinto said. "I think you know."

"No..." Eneas laughed. "I don't. Courtship for most of the men on this ship means throwing themselves on me."

"Are there many men who...?"

"A few," Eneas shrugged. "But none who I would put above you." He bit his lip. "Sorry if that was too much."

"Not at all," Jacinto smiled. "Well, by courtship, I do mean intimacy, but I don't wish to move too quickly." He reached out, rather spontaneously, and interlaced their hands. "It's not that I myself am timid. I've been with women back home, and on islands like this one. But I think there is some excitement in going step by step, don't you?"

Eneas was practically melting at each of his words. "I absolutely do," he said.

"Perhaps tonight," Jacinto said. "We could sleep out here away from the men?"

"I'd like that," Eneas said. "If we are to be truly comfortable with one another, then perhaps you wouldn't mind if I removed my bindings? I've been wearing them awfully long today."

"Please," Jacinto said. "I want you to be comfortable."

Eneas stepped off the fallen tree trunk and carefully removed his shirt. He was just in the light of the moon now, facing Jacinto who remained seated. He watched as the man spread his legs apart, as if his cock was already growing from the anticipation. Eneas reached behind his back and began to unwrap his bindings, layer by layer, until his delicate breasts bounced free. They were relatively small, but big enough for a handful, and firm enough to pierce straight out from his chest. He knew that in the moonlight, Jacinto would be able to see their outline, and so he gave a playful bounce as he set the bandages on the ground.

When he looked up, Jacinto was awfully erect. The boy's eyes widened.

Eneas got down on his knees and pushed Jacinto's legs apart. The man did nothing to protest as the boy undid his trousers and reached into bring out his beautiful cock. Jacinto's cock was  shorter, but boy was it playful. As soon as Eneas touched it, it jerked in response. When he reached down further, he felt his heavy sack. When he ran his fingers down it, Jacinto moaned, and just the sound of his voice was enough to make Eneas wetter. He brought his fingers up to grip around the man's cock and with one, two, three, slow strokes, he suddenly felt Jacinto quaking underneath his grasp, and in one swift motion shooting his load all over Eneas' breasts.

"Oh!" Jacinto shouted. "Oh. Oh, I'm sorry."

Eneas reached a finger down to lick up what had sprayed all over his hard nipples. "It's alright," he smirked. "But so much for moving slow."

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