Chapter 13

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CW: unwanted touching

Eneas had fallen asleep thinking about what he and Jacinto might do next, but he hadn't expected to be woken up by a hand grabbing at his breast. Startled, he felt that his nipples were erect, but the rest of his body struggled to decide if it was open to this visitor. "Jacinto?" he muttered sleepily.

"Eneas." It was Matim's voice.

The cook blinked his bleary eyes awake and saw the man he had broken up with standing over him, fondling his breast. "Oh!" he exhaled. He shifted his body out of Matim's grasp, but this proved difficult to do in a hammock. "Matim, what are you doing?" he whispered.

The men around them were fast asleep, although on a ship you never knew who was just about to wake up for their shift and who would return to the sleeping quarters at the end of theirs. Eneas looked up and saw to his horror that Jacinto's large form was not weighing down the hammock above him.

Matim's hands reached for his shoulders and pushed him down. "Eneas," he said. "Please let me have one last night with you."

"No," Eneas said as he sat up in his hammock, crossing his arms in his nightgown to hide his breasts. "It's not about you, Matim," he said. "Our nights together were enjoyable for me too. It's more about respecting Jacinto's wishes. Can you get that through your head?" It came out cross, and much more venomous than he had wanted.

Matim grabbed at Eneas' forearm and pulled him up. When Eneas looked down between them he could see the early angle of an erection between Matim's legs. There was certainly a part of him that wished Matim would just pound into him, but he tried to separate out his lust from his loyalty.

"Eneas," Matim said. He had raised his voice now. "I understand perfectly well what this is about. Jacinto wants it to look like he owns you. When you've taken how many cocks inside that pretty sheath of yours?"

At this, the men began stirring, and Eneas found his eyes darting to the entrance, hoping for Jacinto. "Please," he whispered. "Matim, you're getting loud."

"Who all has been inside you, boy?" Matim yelled now. "How many cocks have you taken over these past few weeks, and now, one man gets to claim you all the time?"

The men in their hammocks were most certainly awake, most turning their heads and craning their necks to see who Matim was giving scolding to.

Eneas raised his voice now. "Yes, I've been with many men on this ship," he said. He tore his wrist from Matim's grasp. "But none of them have behaved so much as a boy, like you! I don't want to fuck you anymore, Matim. How difficult is that to respect?"

Some of the men chuckled and whispered from their beds.

"A boy?" he laughed. "And what would you--" In a split second, his hand reached for the hem of Eneas' nightgown and pulled it up. "Know of boys!" Matim positioned himself behind Eneas in a sickening hug and wrapped his arm around the boy's belly with the fabric of his nightgown bunched in his fist. In the moonlight, Eneas' tiny cunt was revealed before all the men awake in their hammocks.

A heavy murmur awoke any of the men who had still been sleeping. Everyone turned to get a glimpse of the body part they had been craving for weeks. Eneas was humiliated beyond belief, but in addition to his humiliation, he felt charged up by all of the eyes on him. While his mind debated his emotion, his body was clear on what it wanted. He felt a wetness coating his folds, an almost immediate erection of his clit, and the opening between his legs was getting wider and wider in anticipation of the many cocks that erected themselves in their hammocks. Jacinto would hate it, but in this moment, he wanted all of these men to take him at once.

"That's right," Matim said. "You can't give me your secret and then take it away from me." He slid his two fingers down Eneas' stomach and let them dive between his folds. "Oh, you're so wet," Matim said. "It's almost like you like the attention."

"Please," Eneas breathed, struggling to worm himself free. "Don't do anything fool--ih--oh!" Matim's hard erection banged into his ass as his fingers shot up even further inside him. Eneas' body was so hungry for touch, there was a part of him that worried that he might get too carried away. The thought of orgasming in front of fifty-or-so men only served to wet his folds even more.

"You're so horny," Matim whispered to him.

Eneas moaned at this as he felt Matim's cock angle itself right between his ass cheeks. "Matim, I--"

Suddenly Matim's body was thrust away from him and Eneas was thrown to the floor, giving some men a nice view of the ship's latest discovery. Jacinto had tackled Matim to the ground and pummeled his fist into him, grunting like a warrior. Eneas was so in awe that he forgot to close his legs as he watched the one-sided battle progress.

Jacinto was a heavy man, which meant it didn't take strength so much as it took force to take Matim to the ground. The men craned their necks from the hammocks to get a look at the action. Without a word, Jacinto had Matim tackled and with a forceful grunt, shoved his fist into his jaw.

Jacinto said nothing as hopped off Matim, who lay on the ground groaning in pain. Jacinto walked over to Eneas and extended his hand, helping him to stand. It wasn't until they had walked out of the sleeping quarters and onto the deck that Jacinto said anything.

"I know you don't need me to rescue you," Jacinto said. "I know you can handle yourself. But I had to step in."

Eneas grabbed onto the railing of the ship. A light sprinkle of rain brushed against their faces and he squinted off into the clouds. "I do need rescuing sometimes, " he said. "You'll have to forgive me. I'm still in shock. I've had my secret revealed on many ships, but never quite like that."

"I could kill him," Jacinto said.

Eneas shrugged. "It's alright," he said. "What Matim did was wrong, yes. But I have to confess, I didn't put up too much of a fight because it gave me a bit of a thrill." He turned to grin at his lover. "I've always done well aboard ships," he said. "Sometimes I like to give into the attention. And men. Men are so easy to control when you're the only who has something they want."

Jacinto stared down at Eneas in disbelief. "Is that really how you feel?"

"Well," Eneas said. "Not about you. Sorry. I was more so expressing how it feels to be the object of such attention."

"I've never met someone like you, Eneas," Jacinto said. "In multiple respects."

Eneas' hands gripped the railing tightly. "I do feel differently about you, Jacinto," he said slowly. "I just trust you so much. You're just such a good soul. It's rare to meet good souls out on the high seas."

"Thanks, Eneas," Jacinto said. He paused for a moment. "Is it wrong to say that I want to kiss you right now?"

"No," Eneas smirked. "It wouldn't be wrong at all."

Before anymore could be said, Jacinto wrapped Eneas up in his arms and they shared a most passionate kiss. One that left Eneas feeling weightless and hopeful for the future.

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