Chapter 4

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"Jon," Eneas said. "About what you saw last night."

"How long have you two been doing that?" Jon asked.

The two men had awoke before dawn, when most the ship was fast asleep, in order to get started on breakfast.

"That was the first time," Eneas said.

"Well, maybe you should clean that counter again," Jon said. As he finished pouring oats into a large bowl, he pointed with his head over at the counter Eneas had gripped last night while Matim vigorously fucked him from behind.

Eneas shook his head, turning back to face the wall of the kitchen, counting out a few handfuls of potatoes. "I'm sorry you had to see--oh!" He suddenly felt Jon's fingers slip between his legs from behind, brushing across his sore lips. "Jon!" Eneas nearly screamed as he turned around.

The eighteen-year-old boy was blushing. "So it is true," he said.

"Jon, you can't do things like that," Eneas said, crossing his arms. "Did you forget that you work for me? Do you have any idea how wrong that was?" He shook his head, exasperated. There was no point in getting too angry when he and Jon would be imprisoned in this kitchen together no matter what. "You can't ever do that again."

"I won't need to," Jon said. "I only wanted to figure out if what I saw was true. I've never seen a... um... uh..."

"A vagina?" Eneas asked.

"Yes," Jon looked to the ground.

"Well, I'd like it very much if the other men didn't find out," Eneas said.

"So you're fucking Matim?" Jon squished his face together. "I thought you hated him."

"I don't hate him," Eneas said. "He's just annoying. But he said he would keep quiet about everything if I fucked him every once in a while. He saw me changing once. That's all, nothing else between us."

Jon's eyebrows raised. "Will you let me see it?" he asked. Then, realizing what he was asking of his boss, he blushed. "I promise I won't tell anyone if you just let me look at it."

"Jon," Eneas scoffed. "No."

"Well, then I'll go announce it to the whole crew," Jon said.

"You won't."

"Please let me see it. I just want to be prepared for the first woman I'm with," he said. "Consider it... educational."

Eneas rolled his eyes. "I'm not dropping drawers for you in the kitchen," Eneas said.

"Want me to drop your drawers in front of the men?" Jon smirked.

"You know what, fuck it," Eneas said as he angrily untied his trousers, slipped them down and then slid down his undergarments. He revealed to Jon his small lips and the tiny patch of hair that guarded their entrance.

Jon looked on greedily, surprised at getting his wish. "It's beautiful," he said, still straining to figure out the anatomy of it all. "Can you um, spread your legs?" he asked.

Eneas rolled his eyes and pushed the bowl of oats out of the way to give more space on the counter. Shaking his trousers from his ankles he climbed up and opened his legs to reveal his pink lips and his wide hole. Being viewed by Jon's excited, eighteen-year-old eyes was enough to start the feeling of wetness dripping down his walls. There was something about putting himself on display that made Eneas' heart race in a way he hadn't expected. Suddenly he wanted Jon to praise him, maybe even explore him.

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