Chapter 12

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In the morning, the men all gathered by the large fire circle that the Captain had built on the shore. The Captain addressed them, explaining that they were only a week and a half from the land they'd hoped to reach. He rambled for a bit, talking about how there used to be people who inhabited this island, a strong, warrior group. Eneas and Jacinto exchanged giddy glances, and told no one of the woman who had emerged from the jungle.

Once they were back on board the ship, it didn't take long for Matim to find Eneas while he was preparing things in the kitchen.

He leaned up on the counter, probably thinking himself suave and said, "You know, I was trying to find you while we were the island. I bet there it would have been easy to find some place private."

Eneas couldn't help but roll his eyes. The last time he and Matim spoke, he'd offered him sex and Matim had declined because he was worried they'd be caught. Eneas was used to men like this, men who only wanted him because he fulfilled a need. They weren't willing to risk the social consequence of loving another man, and that told Eneas enough about them. Though Eneas had met many like Matim before, Matim was among the more attractive of the men he'd been with, so he had been willing to put up with his ignorance. Now that Jacinto was on his mind, however, Eneas had different ideas.

"Perhaps it might have but," he said. "I'm seeing someone now. In a formal sense."

He and Jacinto had discussed it the morning after they slept side by side. They were both perfectly content to tell others that they were fucking, or on their way to fucking, as Eneas put it. Even though he had Jacinto's permission, it still felt terrifying to say, like he was throwing Jacinto to the wolves.

"Seeing someone?" Matim's eyes widened.

"Yes, another sailor."

"Who?" Matim asked.

Jon, of course, stood behind Eneas, pouring salt into hot water. He turned to listen, the moment that Matim demanded more information.

"Jacinto," Eneas said. "The one who sleeps above my hammock."

"An envious position," Matim said. "So you're exclusive with him?"

Eneas turned to Jon for a moment. "Nearly," he said. "Unless we've discussed otherwise. But at this moment, I'd prefer to explore things with him."

"Is that so?" Matim asked, giving an angry sigh. "I thought I had come to mean something to you, Eneas."

The cook smirked. "Do you intend to court me? Romantically? As Jacinto does? Because if so, you can have it out with him."

Matim blushed, looking away. "Need I remind you that I have a wife," he said.

"You needn't remind me," Eneas said. "But if you need to assure yourself at night, men do grow lonely at sea, and I have seen many fall into my arms because of it."

At this, Matim gave a loud exhale and swiftly disappeared.

Eneas turned back to face Jon. The fact that he had entertained many men like Matim had left him rather emotionless when it came to these affairs. They were always over almost as quickly as they started. Jon, on the other hand, had seen his first vagina between Eneas legs. When Eneas reminded himself of this, he decided to proceed delicately.

"You know," he said in a low voice. "I did ask Jacinto about you. And I do have permission to uphold our deal."

"Do you really?" Jon smiled. "Good, because I was beginning to get worried it was all for nothing."

"Oh, don't talk to me like that," Eneas rolled his eyes. "You've been over to the navigator's room more than twice."

"I--well--Eduardo is--I--"

"You don't have to explain it to me," Eneas said. "An asshole is an asshole. Didn't I say that once?"

"Words to live by," Jon smirked. "But really, I--I've grown fond of him in a way. He's not my type, don't get me wrong, but I've found myself in stranger circumstances."

"I doubt that," Eneas said.

"What do you mean?"

"You seemed pretty virginal to me when we first met," Eneas said. "Well, when we first properly met."

A clatter echoed in the kitchen as Jon nearly dropped the pot he was working with. He laughed. "Well, I'd never been with someone of your body type, yes," he said.

Eneas' eyes widened. Why hadn't this possibility occurred to him?

"But I've been at sea for two years now," he said, and Eneas was reminded of his youth. "I've seen some things."

"Tell me, then," Eneas asked. "What are these stranger circumstances you've found yourself in? Stranger than bedding a navigator?"

Jon carried the pot over to the front of the kitchen and glanced around the dining area to make sure no one was listening. "Well," he said very softly. "The first ship I was on, the Captain caught a glimpse of, uh, what I'm working with, and invited me back to his quarters. That was my first time with anyone."

Eneas felt himself growing excited at the images that played before him. Jon, so youthful and excited, and a Captain so greedy and helpless. He wondered how many sips of rum he'd have to put in Jon to get the full story out of him.

"I see," Eneas said. He turned to face Jon, his hands resting behind him on the counter. If he could allow Jon to finish his end of their bargain right now, he would. But they had work to do. "I made sure that when I talked to Jacinto that we had room in our relationship for you. As pestering as you may be sometimes, I do enjoy you, Jon."

The boy scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Thanks," he said. "Glad to hear it."

That night, Eneas and Jacinto snuck off to a corner of the ship and talked. They celebrated that Eneas had finally rid himself of Matim and kissed a little, until Jacinto, ever-timid, told Eneas that they ought to get some rest. The two headed off to their hammocks side by side.

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