//Chapter 8//

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Sublime; (adj.)
of very great excellence or beauty
"Mozart's sublime piano concertos."
Synonyms: exalted, elevated, novle, lofty


Harper took a deep breath before she rolled over and checked the time. Her phone read eight o'clock. Harper felt her brain go into overdrive, she had to be at the yard with enough time to tack Robin up and be warmed up for nine! Harper jumped out of bed and pulled on her black jodhpurs, she rifled through her draws quickly and pulled out a black and white striped shirt.

She moved on to her hair and put it into a side plait, she grabbed her BrightField's hoodie and tied it around her waist. After a glance at the time on her phone, she ran down the stairs and pulled on her boots. Harper filled her water bottle quickly, grabbed her keys and made sure she had her phone, then she ran down the street, with her apple clutched in her hand.

Harper threw her phone and water bottle into her locker when she arrived at the stables, a couple of the early pony campers had already signed in and were putting their horses into stables. Harper had smiled at them as she passed.

Harper locked her locker and walked over to Robin's tack; she slung the bridle over her shoulder before grabbing the saddle. She leaned against the tack room door to swing it open, when she walked out the yard had already become busier.

The yard was a lot busier than usual, there were several small children that walked around. While Harper was tightening Robin's jumping boots, Marcus poked his head over the stable door, "Can you get him in the arena soon? People have started to arrive, and you need to warm up."

Harper chuckled, "Aright bossy." Harper pulled her hat on and put her gloves into the waistband of her jodhpurs. She untied her jumper from her waist and put it over Robin's stable door, Harper took Robin's reins up and led him out to the arena.

When Marcus looked up, he saw that Harper was in the arena, checking over Robin's tack, "Hop on and warm up. If you do well enough, you'll get one of these." Marcus held up a hoodie, after an eyebrow was raised by Harper, Marcus unfolded it and then Harper saw. It was a BrightFields hoodie.

Harper laughed lightly, "Sadly, I already have one of those. Your bargaining chip is useless."

Harper mounted onto Robin and commenced on her warm up while Marcus talked to the crowd that was along the fence line.

"Alright everyone! This is Harper and the beautiful horse is called Robin, they're going to do a round for you today." Marcus talked to the people along the fence line, when Harper glanced over, she saw that Becky, Jade and Ben were stood there. "Let's get started!"

Harper cantered Robin around the arena once, her and Marcus had already discussed the course that the jumps were set out in. Harper lined Robin up for the first jump, he cleared. Robin and Harper cleared each jump, with a polite clap from the audience each time, they only clipped the poles once.

After the demonstration Marcus urged everyone to go to the paddock, where Pony Camp would truly commence. Harper dismounted Robin and started to lead him towards his stable.

"You may as well leave him tacked up; you're going out on a hack in fifteen minutes." Sam called out to Harper when she saw her leading Robin back to the stables.

Harper shouted back a reply before she walked back over to Robin's stable. She loosened his girth, ran his stirrups up and twisted his reins using his throat lash. Harper left her hat and gloves on the hook outside of his stable. She pulled her BrightField's hoodie back on.

Harper jogged towards the paddock, she sat down on one of the blocks that had been dragged out to the field. Harper sat down with Jade, Becky and Zoe. The girls made funny faces at her due to her being slightly late. Harper pushed Jade gently so she could make room. Sam stood up on the table and announced that Pony Camp was officially started! Everybody cheered at the top of their lungs, including the four girls. Everybody giggled to themselves when they saw that the police officer that totally fancied Sam, Derek, was there too.

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