Chapter Fourteen

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  When I found out that I was adopted, my whole life literally turned upside down. For years I had thought that my life was pretty awesome. But then I found out that my parents had been lying to me for years, and yet they still are to this day!

  However, I have to admit, I thought that this was it. I was adopted. Bam! Yet I had no idea that the worst part of this whole mess was something I hadn’t even been introduced to yet.

  Well, guess what. I think I just met the consequences.

  I sighed as I clutched onto my cell phone tightly. This was not a good day for me. I had some wacky elderly woman telling me that I was her grandkid, I had to tell my parents that I knew that I was adopted and now I had what felt like one of my only friends telling me that my parents just didn’t want me.

  I know that it was a one in a million chance that I would even get to meet my parents, but sometimes I would dream of the day where I would actually be able to see the people who had created me. Was that so much to ask for?

 However, after what Ronnie told me, I don’t think I even want to meet them anymore. What if I really just was some unwanted kid that my real parents never even wanted to see again? Would they be completely disgusted once they met me again?

  I sighed and shook my head. I knew that I couldn’t keep thinking this way. I had to stay strong because tonight was the night that I was going to drop the bomb on my parents and tell them that I knew about my adoption. Yippee…

  My phone was still ringing. It was an ‘unknown caller’ who was calling me, so I figured it was just some other kid who wanted to prank call me about my stupid baby picture. For some reason though… I felt lonely. My “parents” still weren’t home from work. By now my dad was probably picking up my mother from the building she worked at. I just felt as if I needed to talk to someone, so I pressed the ‘talk’ button on my phone and pressed it to my ear.

  “Hello?” I said into my mobile.

  “Asher Blame?” I heard a deep voice say. Oh great. Some new bully who knew my name.

  I shook my head and sighed. “Yes, I’m Asher Blame. What do you want?” I couldn’t help but be rude. Today just wasn’t a good day for me.

  “I’m Officer Fredric Kallifer,” He told me.  “We need you to come to the Everlock hospital. It’s about your parents.”

 My eyes immediately widened This just wasn’t some stupid kid from my school calling to make fun of my “adorable chubby baby cheeks”; this was some actual police officer who was calling me. This was actually serious.

  “What?!” I cried. “What happened to my parents?!”

  “Sir, we just need you to come to the hospital as soon as possible. Do you need some sort of transportation? I can call a taxi for you.”

  I shook my head, even though I knew he couldn’t see me making actions through my phone. “I don’t need one.”

 I ended the call and shoved my phone into my back pocket. I ran down my stairs, taking two steps at a time, and I opened my front door. To my surprise, the sky was pitch black and it was pouring rain. I could hardly see anything in front of me with the help of the lighting of my house.

  Weather couldn’t stop me though. I grabbed my jacket from the closet by the door. I felt as if I was good to go now. I ran out my front door and into my backyard. I laid eyes of my red bike, my transportation for this evening. The only reason I didn’t get a taxi was because I had no money at all on me, plus it would probably take a little while for the taxi to get to my place. Meaning my bike was my only shot at the moment.

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