Chapter Twenty-Four

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  If there’s something that I’m good at creating, it’s definitely mistakes and messes. I either cause them, or make some bigger than they already were. Trust me, I’m probably the king of just making these problems. The need to start them seems to be drawn to me and I just can’t help but do it.

  Even if I try to control myself to prevent these messes and mistakes from happening, the need to make them just returns every time.

  “This is so unlike you,” Ronnie told Asher as we drove to the Caffeine Bean. I had skipped work enough times already. One more time and I’d be fired. “How’d you come up with the idea to do this?!”

  I turned around to face her since she was in the backseat. “Ah, poor clueless Ronnie. Of course this wasn’t Asher’s idea, it was totally mine.”

She gave me a high five. “Sweet.”

  “No, it’s not sweet!” Asher defended. “We could get in some serious trouble. I don’t even know how to properly drive! I don’t think Avery’s dad will enjoy seeing his car in a ditch tonight.”

  “What?!” Ronnie cried, her jaw dropping. “This is your dad’s car!” She tapped Asher in the shoulder and grinned cheekily. “Extra sweet.”

  “Can we just get Avery to work?” Asher begged. “We’ll go to The Caffeine Bean, Avery will work, Ronnie I’m getting you a coffee so you can somehow get back to normal and I’m getting myself a coffee just because they’re really good.” He looked at her through his mirror. “And then we’re bringing you to some type of hospital.”

  “No!” Ronnie replied, sounding frightened. I looked at her with wide eyes and a raised eyebrow. She leaned back in her seat and repeating what she had said before, but with a calmer voice. “No. I don’t want to go to the doctor.”

  “Why not?” I wondered, seriously confused. “We have to see what’s wrong with your head, Ronnie. That bruise is not normal!”

  She covered her forehead with her hand and frowned at me. “And this not normal bruise is none of your business.”

  “Come on Ronnie,” Asher said. “We’ll just clean it. That bruise can get easily infected, you know.”

  “Alright, Mr. Doctor-Pants,” She responded in a deep voice.

  Asher turned a corner, making us all fly to the right and scream a little bit. Once we were back to normal, I stared at my guy friend. “Dude, I am totally getting you driving lessons for your birthday.”

  He nodded his head in agreement, seeming quite panicked himself as he turned another corner. Of course, we were all thrown to the side once more.

  “I don’t think we can wait until your birthday actually,” I said, clutching on to the side of my seat for safety.

  “I’m with you on that one!” Ronnie called from the backseat. I heard her moan in pain so I turned around. She was rubbing the bruise on her forehead.

  “What happened now?” I asked her.

  “I hit it when our excellent driver made that turn,” She explained. She rested her head on the window. “Now that I think about it, the hospital doesn’t sound like that much of a bad thing after all.”


  Asher parked the car in front of the Caffeine Bean and I hopped out. I went to the trunk of the car and got my uniform, my green apron, out and I put it on. Ronnie and Asher also got out of the car.

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