Chapter Thirty-Two

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 They say “goodbye” is one of the toughest words to say, especially to someone you love. The fact that you have to just say one word to someone, then turn around and possibly never see them again seems to be able to make everyone’s heartbreak. I’ll admit it; goodbyes are tough for me as well. It’s difficult having to give a wave of the hand and then head away.

  However, who said that there has to be a goodbye? Who said that you need to give up one something or someone when they can always remain in your hearts? You always have the choice whether you want to let go or not. The choice of saying “goodbye”, or not.

  “We all need to talk,” Mrs. Morrison informed the three of us.

  We had arrived at Avery’s house around two minutes ago. His parents immediately ushered us to sit on the couch, so we did as told. We were greeted by Mr. Morrison, who was already in the living room.

  I was quite confused on what was going on. It was definitely important for sure, for all I knew by the looks on their faces.

  “Avery,” Mr. Morrison said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Taking out my car for the day was unacceptable and you know that.”

  Avery raised an eyebrow, and I couldn’t help but be quite surprised myself. We had got through this already; that was for sure. We were following the rules of our punishment, so I did not see why it needed to be brought back up.

  “Yeah, I know that,” Avery responded. He looked at me with a little smirk and muttered, “It’s been imprinted in my mind from all the yelling.”

 “Avery, we’re serious,” His mother told him, causing Avery’s smile to wash away and his eyes to meet hers. “You disobeyed the rules completely. You could have gotten very hurt and caused us to lose tons of money.”

  “I know…” He said sadly. “I’m sorry.”

  “As for the two of you,” Mr. Morrison said sternly, pointing at Ronnie and I. “What you did was unacceptable either. Especially you Asher,” At the mention of my name, my heart sped up from my nervousness. “You took Avery’s offer to take the car out, even though you knew that he was only fourteen and that you did not have your license yet. If you hadn’t - well surprisingly- been a good driver, you could have possibly killed Avery and yourself.”

  He turned towards Ronnie, a very serious look on his face. “What you did was unacceptable as well. You entered the car, knowing that you could possibly be in danger, when you already were hurt.” He pointed at the spot on her forehead where the bandage that had used to be there had been recently taken off. “You also lied about your license.”

  Mrs. Morrison sighed. “The three of you committed a crime,” She stated.

  I looked down at my knees sadly. I felt quite bad about the fact that I had taken Mr. Morrison’s car without permission, nor my license; I had from the minute that it happened. However, now that they were throwing it in my face and slamming us all down to the ground with their words; I felt completely and utterly terrible. I had participated in a crime. Heck, I was the main part of it as I drove the car! My heart felt like it was being squeezed tight at the thought of this.

  “I’m really sorry,” I apologized, looking back up and into my current housemates’ eyes. “It was really horrible of us to do this… “

  “I’m sorry too,” Ronnie agreed, nodding her head. “We should have been thinking. Sorry.”

  Mr. and Mrs. Morrison were quiet for a second. They looked at each other and then Mr. Morrison shook his head disapprovingly. “Asher and Ronnie, the two of you are seventeen. I can see that you have realized your mistake,” He said. “You’re old enough to know that what you did was completely wrong and that you shall never, ever, ever do anything like that ever again. If you do, well, you’ll have to face worse consequences than being grounded.” He narrowed his eyes hard. “You’re going to have to most likely face the punishments of the law.”

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