Chapter Twenty-Eight

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 Has something you never imagined ever come true? Like the wish to beat cancer, or have your brother come back from war? The feeling that you get when this thing you thought was impossible comes true can just be amazing and give you goose skin.

  However, sometimes you wish that these things that you thought would never happen did never come true. You just wish that everything had stayed normal and the way it had always been. You wish that you could just live your normal life still.

  And then there are the times that you are caught in the middle of everything and don’t know what to think. At the moment, that’s where I find myself exactly.

  “Just a minor gash,” Dr. Phillip Lebois said to me as his face hovered over mine. “Which led to some slight bruising. We’ll just clean that out and put a bandage over it and you’ll be fine.”

  I felt quite awkward as I laid down on the chair in this doctor’s office. As Dr. Phillip went to get the material he needed to fix the bruise on my forehead, I eyed Ray, who was sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. I had gone to see her after I stormed out of the café, and once she saw my bruise, she had forced me to come here to her doctor. I shot a short glare at her since she knew how much I detested coming to the doctor. People touching me with tools did not feel right and it freaked me out just a little bit.

  The doctor came back and he started cleaning out my wound. The feeling stung just a little bit. I did my best ignore the pain and I closed my eyes.

  The thought of Asher and Avery believing that this Janet woman was their mother kept coming into my mind. You can’t just believe someone when they say that they’re your mother. You have to back this up with facts! And her saying that she had proof in her home was just even worse. Yeah, like I’d get in a car and go to a mysterious person’s house just to see the proof that she had something that would make me believe that I was her daughter. I don’t know what’s wrong with this Janet, but she obviously has some type of problem.

  And the fact that she says that Asher and Avery are my brother’s is just quite weird. I wasn’t buying it when she said that Asher was my twin. Sure, we have the same color eyes. Does that mean everyone with green eyes is now my brother or my sister? No, I doubt that.

  Dr. Phillip told me to lift my head up, so I did and he began placing the bandage around my head. God, this felt quite weird. The bandage was heavy and I felt as if I couldn’t keep my head up straight anymore. Luckily, we got it over with quite quickly and I was soon able to leave.

  As Ray and I walked out the front doors of the hospital and began strolling towards the bus stop so we could catch a ride back to her place, my best friend turned towards me and asked, “So, sorry about interrupting you before you even started, but what was the reason that you had to come and see me?”

  I took a deep breath and looked at my boots. “I, um, was just wondering if I could stay at your place for a little while.” I now looked at her face. “Would that be alright?”

  She put an arm around me playfully, causing me to chuckle and smile. “Of course you can. But what’s the problem, hmm? Got some foster parents issues?”

  The smile on my face immediately disappeared. No one knew about my little problem right now, I was going to tell Asher and Avery but I never got the chance with Janet finally making an appearance. However, now it was the time that I finally let the secret out for the world to know. The world being Ray in this case.

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