Chapter Three

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    My life was mysteriously calm for a fourteen year old boys. It was actually pretty easy. I got good grades in school, I had tons of friends, I had the wickedest guitar in the world, I had a part-time job at the coffee shop, plus I had a family that loved me.

  But then they dropped the bomb on me.

  I used to think that I was just Avery Morrison, that pretty cool kid who could rock the guitar. But no, my parents recently told me that I’m Avery Morrison-

  That kid who’s adopted.

  “Ave,” I heard my… well I honestly didn’t know what to call the woman who had taken care of me all my life anymore. Anyway, I heard Jane Morrison say through the other side of my door. “Avery, sweetie, you can’t stay in your room forever.”

  “Who said I couldn’t?” I wondered as I crossed my arms over my chest. I had been hiding in my room since I got the news that my family wasn’t really my family.

  “Avery, it’s been two days! You have to come out!” She ordered.

  “No!” I yelled. Just to annoy her, I got my electric guitar, plugged it into my amplifier and I just played the same note over and over again. I heard her groan and then walk away.

  “Look who wins again,” I said happily as I defeated my… Jane Morrison.

  I got out of my bed and I looked in my mirror. I really needed a shower. My dirty blond hair was matted down, a few unwanted zits had appeared on my cheeks and forehead and I had big bags underneath my blue-green eyes. Yay, another thing to worry about.

  I heard a knock at my door. Completely frustrated with my sort of parents constant attempts to get me outside, I marched up to my door and I opened it right up, a mad look on my face. To my surprise, no one was at my door… but once I looked down I saw the little angelic face of six year old Hartlyn Morrison, who I still wanted to believe was my little sister.

  She looked up at me with those big brown eyes and smiled. “Avery,” She said, pronouncing my name ‘Avawee’ since she still pronounced her R’s like W’s. “Why won’t you come and play?”

  I ruffled my hair and then I picked up tiny little Hartlyn. I looked her in the eyes and I forced a smile. “I’m just going through a tough time.”

  “Aw, it’s okay big brother, everything is going to be okay!” She insisted.

  Obviously, she had no idea that I wasn’t really her brother, that’s why she was still calling me her sibling. I couldn’t bring her into all of this mess, so I was going to just do what everyone else seemed to be doing: Lie.

  “Well, I hope so, little sister.” I patted her short brown her, which was done in pigtails today. “Hey, how about after I take a shower, you and me go play outside?”

  She smiled, revealing her two missing front teeth. “Yeah!” She cheered.

  I got up and then I walked out of my room and started making my way towards the bathroom. Halfway there, and I was stopped by who I used to consider my father, Noel Morrison.

  “Well, long time no see!” He said. Most people said that I ‘had his eyes’, which couldn’t be true now. “I guess you finally came out of your bubble, Avery.”

  I clenched my fists. “I’m still mad,” I announced.

  He put one of his big hands on my shoulder. “Look, I know that, Ave. But what do you want us to do? It’s not like your mother and I can change any of this.”

  I gritted my teeth as I realized I had no comeback. I just moved passed him and I walked into the bathroom, hoping that I’d be able to wash all of my troubles away. Sadly, that plan didn’t work.

  I put on a new outfit and then I headed downstairs, only to find my ex-mother and Hartlyn at the table. My little sister had a bunch of Barbies in front of her and she was making them talk to each other.

  When my  ex-mom noticed me, she folded her hands on her lap and asked me, “Avery, sweetie, do you think you’re ready to go back to school?”

  I leaned against the counter and I narrowed my eyes at her. “For some reason, I have a feeling that that’s more of an order than a question.”

  It was her turn to mimic my actions. “Look, Avery, I know you’re upset about all of this,” She assured. “But just because you’re angry doesn’t mean you have the right to pull this attitude on me!”

  I caught a glimpse of Hartlyn looking at us with big eyes, but I looked back at Jane. “Well, sorry.”

  “I hope you mean that,” She replied. “So, tomorrow you’re going back to school and you’re going to get back on track. Okay?”

  I groaned but then I held out a hand and said. “Fine, okay.”

  She took my hand and shook it firmly. All of a sudden, I heard a tiny voice say, “Can we go play now?”

  I turned towards the little precious girl at the table and I smiled at her as I picked her up, threw her over my shoulder, making her laugh, and I said, “Of course.”


Hello everyone! As you probably saw, I recently added a cast to this story! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! 

Well, I know authors notes are a boring, so I'll make this one short! Well, I'd just like to say, thanks so much for reading (YOU'RE AWESOME) and please comment and vote to make me smile like a maniac!!!

 And I'm now going to start something that XxSkater2Girl16xX started. Every chapter of this story, I'm going to post a song!

So this chapter's song is... Cough Syrup by Young The Giant (amazing song, go give it a listen to!)

Thanks for reading!!! :D 

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