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I walked outside the hotel with fans screaming in my face.

Mikey's hand in mine.

"Sikey! Sikey! Sikey!" They screamed as we all loaded the tour bus.

I sat down on the couch next to Frank, while the others went to they're bunks to go to sleep.

"Bro, what are you still doing here? Go to sleep." I said.

"I'm not tired." He shrugged. After all, it was 6:05 in the morning.

"So what are you about to do?" I asked.

He gave me a wide smiled and went to the back room, he came back with his laptop.

"I'm about to Skype Jamia." He squealed.

"Good. Cause I wanna see my favorite nephew, Miley Bear!" I clapped.

He stopped, looked me in my eyes, and closed his laptop back.

"Don't ever call him that." He said seriously.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, now open it up." I told him.

"First, go get me a soda."

I groaned hard and ran towards the fridge, I got him a Dr.Pepper and got me a Pepsi.

I came back, he started making silly faces to the camera.

I hopped on the couch next to him and saw Cherry on the screen laughing.

"Hey Cherry." I waved and she giggled.

"I'm Lily!" She laughed.

"Where's Miles?" I asked.

"Cherry is trying to telling the mail man to take him to Mexico, but he won't listen." She said.

Me and Frank burst out laughing and she looked at us confused.

"Hey, do you like playing guitar Auntie Sky?"

"Of course! I love it! I can teach you if you want me to!" I told her.

She started squealing,"Ooh, I can't wait to see you play! I'm gonna go tell mommy!" She laughed and Jamie came in with Cherry.

"Miles is asleep." She told me giving Cherry the evil eye.

I groaned.

"Goodbye Iero's! I shall miss my favorite niece's and sister in law!" I said before climbing in my bunk and getting on my phone.


Me and Mikey sat outside, waiting for the others to come out McDonald's.

"Hey Mikey, imagine what our kids would look like." I smiled and he chuckled.

"They'd look like they're beautiful mother."

Aww, that's sweet.

"And they'd probably be addicted to unicorns and bunnies." I said making us laugh.

"I don't think you're ready for that stage yet, both of us aren't, after all you still are 18."

"Maybe I can wait a few years."

He nodded.


I turned around and saw Frank with two bags in his hands.


Gerard scowled.

"It's not stupid! It's freezing cold out here." He said, taking a sip.

"What do expect? It's Ten o'clock at night." Ray shrugged.

"I love you all!" I said getting on the bus.

"Love you too, Sky Sky Bear!" Ray clapped. 

We all chuckled.

I love these guys.


:) What did you think?


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