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Kaya’s POV.

My eyes are closed, and there’s the sound of a child giggling in the distance. For some reason, I am familiarized with the sound of the girl.

As she seems happy, her giggling gets nearer and nearer, and my own cheeks pump as my own smile elevates too. Her happiness is my own happiness, and I can’t even see her. At least, not yet.

My senses are sharpened. I seem to be alive, but it’s all dark. My body feels heavy, and my eyelids are like a block that I can’t force myself to shift open.

In the course of all this, I feel calm. The aura of the mildly blowing breeze is a utopian feeling. Also, there’s a feeling of happiness, etherealness, and joy. I feel all bubbly and perfect. I have never felt like this before, not in a long time. Not since I lost my parents.

Yes! My memories serve me well, even here.

Suddenly, someone hit me, and my eyes snapped open as I tried to catch the little girl that my sight came to accommodate.

“Hey, careful, little one.” I say to her, but she’s so focused on her play that she doesn’t worry at all. I smile wider when she squeals. Next to her is a boy her age. Both of them couldn’t be more than four years old.

My brows furrow as I reel deeper into what they could be. Is this the past?

If it is, I’ve got no idea what kind of past it is. I was never the girl, and Williams was certainly not of the same age as me.

Then, a male’s voice reaches me from behind before its owner runs past me. “Kaya, what are you doing? Catch, Celestina.”

My brain freezes for a second when I see Kyle. He’s grinning hard. You can see the happiness in his eyes when he sees me before he utilizes his werewolf’s heightened speed to catch their daughter, pulling her from the ground into his arms.

She’s squealing, and her eyes shift to me as she cries out. “Mother, father is cheating! Aldous, don’t you agree?”

The boy quickly agrees with her, “Yes, it’s true. They are both cheating. Daddy Kade wouldn’t have.” He is pouting just before, and from behind, Kieran grabs him, appearing into the scenery.

My gasp shows just how unbelievable I am at this scene. Am I their mother? Kieran, Kyle, and Kade are their fathers?

Oh, many fucks! I can’t believe this.

My eyes shift to the valley, then to the clothes spread on the wires, then to the pots on fire, then down to my body, where I’m actually the one doing the cooking for breakfast, then to the field, then to the beautiful arena that we’ve found a settlement in, and then my sight lands on Kade in the distance.

He’s drinking tea from the cup in his hands. I remember that I made it for him. I’m shocked, and I have no idea I was holding my breath until I try to inhale, and I’m sounding like a strangled cat.

“This is...”

“I know, right? My queen, tonight, we’ll know if the kids are hybrids, just like you have foreseen. Trust me, I trust you with my life to believe it would be real. I’d be so thrilled.” Kade is telling me through the mind link.

Oh, many fucks once again!

This could only happen if we’ve passed through the mates vows. We aren’t even friends. How’s this happening? What kind of reality is this? Is this a trick in my mind?

My head feels heavy, and as much as I wish to leave here, I also want to stay because this reality seems so real and so alive, and I want to be a queen that they worship with utter love. Not through obsession. Not through infatuation.

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