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Kaya’s POV.

I expected the air to hit me on the face, sprawling my hair and notifying me that this is my last second on this planet.

My eyes are tightly shut, expecting my consciousness to fade away within a split second.

Except neither of those came.

Gravity didn’t take its course.

I don’t feel like I’m falling.

Then my brain comes back to reality. There’s a sharp sting in my elbow, and I hear the voice of a male, “are you okay?”

The person taps me, but I don’t open my eyes, even though my eyelids flutter. I’m scared to open my eyes because I already know what has just happened.

I am still awaiting my death.

The male keeps hitting me on the shoulder till I finally open my eyes, and he cups my face in his hands. “Are you okay? Can you say a word to me?”

I hit his hands away from my body and turn to the sides, looking around to see that I’m still on the roof.

No, how could I not be dead?

Now that the fear is sipping away, I recall feeling someone wrap their arms around my waist and pull me backwards just before I fell.

Wait, did this guy stop me from dying?

“Hello, would you say a word?”

I turn to my side, now paying attention to him. He’s dressed in a shirt and a woven trouser with a black boot in his feet and a small scarf wrapped around his neck.

He dresses more like a grownup than he looks facially.

“What did you do?” As I shout at him, his light blue eyes, just like the sky, flare at me before he narrows them, unsure of the kind of question that I’m asking.

“Um, shouldn’t you be saying things like, thank you for saving my life...thanks for not letting me fall off a five-story building?” He seems utterly confused.

Infuriation showers inside me, and I hit him on the chest. “Why did you? Did I ask for your help?”

“Wait, what? I just saved you from dying, miss...” His voice trails off before he looks around him. I can tell he’s thinking this is unreal.

I hit him on the chest again, then I walk away from him to grab my hair and groan to the ground, falling onto my knees.

Oh, my, he didn’t just stop me! He couldn’t have.

I can’t proceed with attempting to murder myself anymore. I can’t go through the fear again.

Now that I even think of wanting to kill myself earlier, I fear whatever my mind has become.

I look towards the roof, and now it scares me so much that I fall on my buttocks and crawl further away.

The male comes to hold me by the arm, and I clutch his clothes. “I didn’t ask for you to save me. You shouldn’t have! Who are you?”

“My name is Aiden. I have been here the whole time. This is like my place of relaxation, where I am alone with my thoughts and scream into the sky without anyone hearing me from below, just like you did earlier. It is a good spot for someone like me.” He starts to explain.

He was here the whole time, it seems.

“I heard all your cries, and I got pitiful for you. We sort of have a similar situation, and then you tried to kill yourself, and I wasn’t sure that was it at first, so I stayed where I was, under there.“He points to a small canopy-like shield close to the vents before he continues, “I thought you wouldn’t do it, but then...I just had to pull you back. And I’m sorry that you scraped your elbow.”

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