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Kaya’s POV.

Every fiber of my mind shatters into fragments at the realization before me. I still don’t want to believe, even when all odds are against Melissa.

Regardless, she saved me. She took me away from these cruel monsters, although here they are, killing her slowly and effortlessly, and all my dreams are crushed.

They’ve washed down the lane, and there’s nothing I can do but watch. My hands are still glued to my mouth, covering me as though if I should remove them, I’d really believe what is going on.

Each second that passes reminds me of the reality of this scenery, even when, as much as possible, I am trying not to believe that this is real.

Melissa, choking in her own voice, shows otherwise. This is not a dream. I haven’t escaped, and I cannot. I’m ruined. I can only imagine what’s about to happen to me once they’re done with her.

“I have nothing to apologize for.” She keeps quivering, but for the first time, I see no fear inside her eyes as she glares back at the triplets. Maybe it’s because she knows this is the end for her.

They have her surrounded; the triplets are on the verge of tearing their prey to pieces. She can’t escape this judgment.

“Speaking of who to judge me, you scamps at the least.”

She further, “when I was just a child, you killed my family, and you expected me to forget that. You can force me to work for you and be your slave, but every day that passes reminds me so much of the pain that yearns in my mind. The same goes for every slave and maid you have in that kingdom. They all have a burning passion to destroy you, and someday, when they have a bigger chance than mine, they will take it.” She speaks the truth, but it is futile.

These animals have no time for comprehension. “You’ve ruled us all out of fear. I can only wish for the day of your demise, the fear in your eyes knowing that you don’t rule over everything in fact.”

Melissa cracks up a laugh, jerking her head to the back as her face turns heavenward.

In the next few seconds, her laugh dies down, and silence overwhelms the forest, except for the sound of crickets in the distance.

“Um, I think she’s done.” I can only wonder how humour still fits Kyle in this situation.

“Get rid of her.” When Kade orders, my heart hammers deep inside my chest.

I run forward to plead on her behalf, “It’s not her fault.” But the rest of my words didn’t come at the next scene.

Melissa’s screams are followed by the crushing of her head from a strong impact from Kieran, who yanks off her head from her neck like he’s plucking a mango from the mango tree.

The moment gives me no chance to even yelp, knowing that it won’t do anything.

My face is fixated on one thing: Melissa’s head at my feet. Her eyes stare back at me, but there’s no life in them. Her beautiful blue eyes have no reflection of light in them, rather seeming terrified just before her death.

It is a reminder of her death that her body didn’t die peacefully.

My stomach is battling a hurricane of aches inward, while my system is unstable, my body restarting over and over again.

I just stand there, staring down at Melissa’s dead body, trialing from her body to the blood gushing out of her head that’s at my feet.

“Little thing.” I hear Kade’s voice just before his hand brushes into my hair. Then he grips the strands tight enough to hold my head firm. “I asked you to stay in the room until our arrival, but I didn’t see you there. Instead, you’re here. Why?”

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